Carbon man arrested for his alleged role in Jan. 6th riots

Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Carbon resident Nicholas Hofer photographed outside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Alleged to have been among those to have breached the Capitol, Hofer was arrested Wednesday on a number of federal charges.
Courtesy photo

A Carbon man is in custody for his alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 riots on Capitol Hill.

According to court documents filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Southern Indiana District Court, Nicholas Scott Ingram Hofer, 34, of Carbon, was charged with being one of the people who entered the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021, to interrupt the joint Congressional session to validate the presidential election results.

Hofer faces a series of charges, including:

Nicholas Hofer

• Assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers;

• Civil disorder;

• Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds;

• Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or on restricted grounds;

• Engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds;

•Disorderly and disruptive conduct in Capitol building or grounds; and

• Act of physical violence in Capitol building or grounds.

The charges stem from crowds of people gathered at the Capitol building, who, once they attacked, entered the building, the violations of local and federal laws inside the U.S. Capitol without authority to be there.

One individual sent two tips (one in April 2021 and the other in May 2021) to the FBI. In those tips, the individual referred to an image from Jan. 6, 2021, they saw on an Instagram account with the handle @HomegrownTerrorists and identified that individual as Nicholas Hofer. The individual provided the FBI with the @HomegrownTerrorists image along with two images of Hofer from a Facebook account.

Hofer is captured on video throughout several phases of the riot, including but not limited to:

• The first breach of the western perimeter of the Capitol grounds,

• The entry into the West Plaza,

• Going up to the Lower West and Upper West Plaza into the Capitol Building,

• On the stairs of the Capitol,

• Pushing the barricades back onto the officers, who retreated,

• Breaking the Senate Wing doors using an access point used by fire personnel to get inside.

Records cite that Hofer stopped at one point, removed a gas mask, and poured water on his face before putting the mask back on and returning to the Senate floor.

Hofer was also caught on camera in the area of the East Rotunda Door on the second floor.

Other video footage captured Hofer involved with an assault on an officer.

Videos and phone calls from Hofer’s phone inside the Capitol building placed him at the scene of the riots.

Officials allege that Hofer was in the area of the Capitol building for approximately 38 minutes of the three-hour riot.

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  • *

    Badge of honor.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Wed, Aug 28, 2024, at 8:23 PM
  • Yeah assaulting LEO’s is certainly something to brag about.

    He’s probably Antifa, Carbon is surely a hotbed for that stuff. Oh wait, that was a conspiracy theory that was thoroughly debunked. It’s hard to keep track of some of the nonsense floating around nowadays by some of those MAGA folks.

    -- Posted by Koios on Wed, Aug 28, 2024, at 8:39 PM
  • Well if history holds true, they’ll just be pardoned on the last day of a president’s term.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Wed, Aug 28, 2024, at 9:02 PM
  • *

    Koios, you're right. I guess the looting of stores, beating of store owners, and the burning down of entire cities convinced me that getting into a shoving match with a capitol cop after being ushered into a lobby was something to brag about but I guess the "CAN'T BREATH!" / "HANDS UP, DON'T SHOOT!" gang's opinion changes the moment feet are propped up on Nancy Pelosi's desk...

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Wed, Aug 28, 2024, at 10:17 PM
  • for most- violence is only bad when it goes against their political theology.

    Violence that is in support of a person's political theology is fine.

    Why I love living in the middle. Violence is wrong.

    -- Posted by beg on Wed, Aug 28, 2024, at 10:44 PM
  • Nowhere, including in my above post, have I ever defended the actions and violence of Antifa or other violent leftist organizations. They should be, and are, being tried and sentenced as well. Just as the violent J6 participants should and are being treated.

    My comment above was in reference to the ridiculous conspiracy theory propagated on Jan. 7, and continued to be propagated by many to this day, that J6 was a false flag Antifa/FBI led event.

    -- Posted by Koios on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 5:58 AM
  • Most conspiracy theories grow from a small kernel of truth that’s left to fester. Our government has so many proven instances of behavior that directly endangers, mistreats, tortures, and even kills its own citizens, that it becomes easy to believe anything might be true.

    The fact is there were some false-flag-style bad actors at Jan 6, and the fact is there have been false-flag-style plants at many protests and riots for a long time. Some of those were done by our very own governments, therefore it becomes easy to believe our government agencies might have done it yet again. Until our own leaders can show us clean hands, a large percentage of Americans won’t take them at their word whether they’re lying or not, and I am one of those Americans. I have far more trust in my local government to fix a pothole than I do in the federal/state leaders to carry out a fair election, or to not run a black op coup in a third world country, or to only be at a protest in a peacekeeping capacity.

    The days when almost all citizens blindly trusted the federal government are over. We’ve probably over corrected now, but it’s possible we’ve only scratched the surface of the true rabbit hole of corruption. It seems like every time I think “oh man, surely they didn’t do that”, they certainly did.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 7:18 AM
  • What an idiot. I bet his mom is proud.

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 8:32 AM
  • The main “false-flag-style bad actors at Jan 6,” was President Trump, who despite earlier in the day claims that he would March to the Capital instead chickened out and let his foot soldiers take the brunt of the blame.

    You can also have a healthy skepticism of government without buying into and spreading obviously false conspiracy theories with no real basis in fact or reality.

    -- Posted by Koios on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 5:29 PM
  • I was a small-scale protester in the late 1960's. Anyone who thinks there weren't agitators in that crowd is delusional. And I would think much less of them if they weren't. It was a target-rich environment. And no FBI there? Ever heard of Cointelpro??

    -- Posted by luna maximus on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 6:39 PM
  • The conspiracy theory of false flag Antifa originally stated that Antifa was behind and staged the J6 debacle. As well as, or working with, the FBI. It doesn’t matter if random agitators were in the crowd. The random agitators didn’t start it, President Trumps false blathering about a stolen election and a bunch of Proud Boys and Oath Keeper radicals, and others willing to buy into the stolen election myth were who started it. And now they are paying the price.

    -- Posted by Koios on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 7:44 PM
  • Koios--do you remember Hillary Clinton complaining the election was stolen from her? All the false accusations against Trump have all been proven false.

    The only thing this upcoming election has produced is the entire country is up in arms against each other. The news media stirs up hate then sits back and admires what they have created and laugh at all of us.

    Thomas Jefferson wrote: I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical (Google).

    We all are being played like a $3.00 fiddle.

    -- Posted by Don Antonio on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 9:13 PM
  • Almost every losing candidate since Al Gore has claimed unfair/stolen election. Hillary still makes that claim publicly to this day. It’s only a bad thing when the orange man says it. It’s fine for democrats.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 9:51 PM
  • It's a shame they don't execute traitors, anymore.

    -- Posted by Snowman1955 on Thu, Aug 29, 2024, at 11:30 PM
  • No "agitator" can get someone to assault police officers if they aren't already willing to do so. Anyone supporting the violence and attempted government overthrow on January 6th can't (with a straight face anyway) claim to be a patriot or a Christian.

    -- Posted by unbiased on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 12:12 AM
  • How quickly we, as a nation, have forgotten that America was not born in a ballot box or that the first national election didn't even occur until 1789. Until then, America grew on the backs of ruffians, miscreants, traitors, and those willing to sacrifice themselves and their fortunes for principles that are, to many, even today, poorly understood.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 12:28 AM
  • *


    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 1:06 AM
  • “Thomas Jefferson wrote: I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical”.

    I’d bet Mr. Jefferson wouldn’t define trying to overrun the Capital to prevent the certifying of an election as a “little rebellion”.

    Tech, other candidates who believed elections had irregularities filed court cases, and when they lost those relented and congratulated their opponent, they didn’t instruct people to storm the Capital to try to disrupt a lawful proceeding. And while doing so assault LEO’s and threaten to hang the Vice President.

    -- Posted by Koios on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 6:16 AM
  • *

    If anyone is paying any price in any of this, it's the American People. Nobody in their right mind is sitting back and thinking to themselves, "I'm so happy everything is so affordable. Thanks, Joe Biden!" Get real. Elections have consequences, and those who protested during J6 acted on things they knew were coming our way, which is a shoddy economy, a nonexistent border, men who think we're obligated to indulge their lunacy when they believe it's okay to use ladies' restrooms or locker rooms or play in their sporting events, of environmental freaks who want to ban everything from gas engines to coffee machines... The good news is that, if Trump does "win" in November, he's almost certainly to pardon / invoke executive clemency, restitution, etc. for every J6er (which is appropriate and for a number of reasons, the least of which is their justifiable protest concerns that nobody did anything to collectively respond to or prove / disprove along with their basic, contemporary human rights being withheld without proper judicious processing).

    And anyone who says there wasn't justification for protesting is just flat-out wrong, lazy / complacent, and or the beneficiaries of nothing being investigated. Sure, it might be one thing to prove that these guys put law enforcement lives in jeopardy, which we all agree that that's wrong and as a result, they should be tried in a court of law with punishment being within proportion to their crimes (which includes penalizing Byrd)... But it's another to throw someone in prison and ruin their lives over taking selfies at a congressional podium, breaking a window, walking around the capitol grounds, or murdering a veteran during a time when entire cities were set on fire for killing George Floyd. Again, get real.

    Mail-in ballots with fraudulent information, dysfunctional printers that incorrectly processed submissions, voting center windows being taped-up to prevent witnesses from seeing whatever might be taking place in a counting room, concerned citizens with judge-signed search warrants being prevented entry to counting centers, 2-3AM ballot drops, 18+ gallon totes full of ballots that were surreptitiously concealed underneath tables, conscious negligence of counting center management who hired the most biased democrat supporters possible who were also seen in security camera footage doing nebulous things with ballots like speeding through their vetting at speeds that no reasonable human can process things in, tabulators and other systems connected to unsecured WIFI access points with logs showing random foreign IP connections before said logs were "sporadically" deleted and "coincidentally" unrecoverable, printers that randomly failed more consistently in conservative stronghold districts than those that were more blue, and even incorrect ballot paper sizes or imagery incorrectly-graded resulting in bad submissions... All of these problems and more merit a major campaign to litigate the players responsible for these mistakes or at a minimum, redo the entire election, but when the legal system itself is so infested with pro-blue judges who have been found to have direct connections to democrat campaign fundraiser organizations or people like Hilary Clinton and her allies that the very concept of justice begins to become muddled by ongoing fraudulence, well, nobody can sit back and say with a straight face those stupid things like, "Even the courts said that the election system is fair," especially after actually doing research into everything that's happened and knowing that many of those judges overseeing those challenges just waved their "no standing" card in the faces of anyone who happens to be a MAGA supporter intent on legally pursuing the situations in a courtroom... Nobody is stupid enough to believe that Trump's latest courtroom cases--including the one related to that psychotic Carroll woman--are legitimate pursuits of justice and not just absurd efforts of lawfare designed to keep Trump out of government. You'd think that would be obvious for everyone, but alas, the TDSers have problems seeing things beyond their masked-up noses when 99% of their media diet consists of hours-long lectures from idiots like Rachel Maddow or the hens over on The View, and that's the media that isn't censored to prevent real honest-to-god truths from general public proliferation (which Facebook finally admitted to being culpable of this week).

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 10:36 AM
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    Douglas - Ya got any of them there pillows I can purchase from ya?

    -- Posted by RSOTS on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 11:30 AM
  • "I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. UNSUCCESSFUL rebellions INDEED generally establish the INCROACHMENTS on the rights of the people which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is a medicine necessary for the sound health of government." Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, January 30, 1787.

    Koios, the truth be known, Jefferson completely understood the rational behind rebellions and their importance to America's health. Don't underestimate Jefferson. He was no coward. He understood that all to often the governors failed to understand the temperament of the governed.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 11:48 AM
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    RSOTS, sure. I'll give you one for $250.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 1:30 PM
  • It is amazing that in 2024 the amount of Democrat BS that they shovel into the minds of their lemming's little pea brains, and they dutifully regurgitate on que a gleeful squeak with delight.

    Isn't it cute? Like a cat video they all love!

    Meanwhile in the real world the lived experience of the non-insane working class is awake and rebelling against the extremally long list of insane culture wars that they are imposing through government dictate and law-fare.

    The totality of the DC courts against the J6ers rotting in squalid conditions with no trial dates and continuing with dubious arrests even now. Nothing else to be concerned about in the streets of DC?

    Pelosi already admitted it was her call to not allow additional support.

    The entirety of the NY attorney general's office, who campaigned on getting President Trump indited. (success!)

    The Fani Willis little love shack fiasco. CA girl got caught.

    Yeah, the Dems are off the rails alright. But the train is still plowing through the town.

    The destruction they are causing emboldened them, not like normal people, they are powering into it more.

    Biden/Harris or Harris/Walz


    -- Posted by direstraits on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 1:45 PM
  • Where is DPR when you need him.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 3:57 PM
  • Yeah, if you recall the protest on J6 was about a stolen, illegal election.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 6:47 PM
  • 62 or thereabouts lawsuits were filed over the 2020 election by Trump. Only one ruled in his favor, over a minor issue in I believe Pennsylvania. That’s about a 1.6% success rate. Show me with FACTS how that election was stolen or illegal. Read the word FACTS, please.

    -- Posted by Koios on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 7:36 PM
  • *

    Nobody here is necessarily saying the election was stolen, just that justifiable concerns over a number of inexplicable abnormalities existed in the 2020 (and arguably, the 2022) elections that have always been too strangely coincidental, always benefited the democrats, and were always dismissed by the same justice system that wages disproportional efforts against anyone favoring the MAGA ideology while simultaneously favoring democrats at every single decision it issues. It's the same justice system we're seeing right now that's responsible for withholding basic human rights to the J6 prisoners, that prohibits use of juries during Trump proceedings, and issues absurd verdicts alongside even more absurd penalties he's been given for some of the most dubious filings by the most neurotic TDSers alive. That in and of itself lends enough credence to believe the idea that corruption permeates aspects of our country which go way beyond our election system, such as our justice system.

    And let's be honest with ourselves, Koios: You "listen to the experts!" We all know you don more than one mask, include your preferred pronouns in your e-mails, probably want to ban gas engines and plastic bags, and if you weren't listening to those nasty mouth-breathing deplorables when you were bravely facing a virus that enjoyed a 99% recovery rate, you won't be listening to them now even if they slapped your face with irrefutable proof that your mom's purse was stolen, let alone an election. You ask questions that you don't care about the answers of, which only wastes your own time, let alone everyone else's.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 8:36 PM
  • Ok, thanks for proving my point.

    -- Posted by Koios on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 9:14 PM
  • *

    Prove to me you're not a racist.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 10:00 PM
  • Zuckerbucks is feeling a little uncomfortable, eh?

    Admitted that he juiced the blue NGOs. 400 million worth to help the guy in the basement, remember?

    Not court worthy says the blue judges.

    Feckless repub congress can’t grow a pair so who’s to blame?

    The same grifters and racketeers that set the game up.

    They hate you, they want you completely out of the way, get it?

    No more elections.


    -- Posted by direstraits on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 11:45 PM
  • Being reasonable is harder and harder these days. We live in a world of one-liner “gotchas”, and discourse is laid by the wayside. At least we’re entertained.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Sat, Aug 31, 2024, at 8:50 AM
  • FDR put people in internment camps based on race/ ethnicity.

    That may not be a definition but would be an example

    -- Posted by beg on Sat, Aug 31, 2024, at 11:49 AM
  • I was just looking for facts. Not a bunch of fringe “news” talking points and what if conspiracy theories. From Trumps success rate at litigating the 2020 election, it seems as if he and his lawyers didn’t have any facts either.

    -- Posted by Koios on Sat, Aug 31, 2024, at 6:45 PM
  • Fringe "news" are the ones who have dropped the reporting on the attempted assassination of the number one opposition to this corrupt and lawless regime during the most consequential elections ever.

    Why is that?

    Would it be different if the roles were reversed?

    Censorship is rampant and indifference is the frequent non-response.

    Zuckerbucks is nervous now that the truth is coming out, he is saying he was coerced into tipping the scales to the challenger China Joe & Family Enterprises.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Sat, Aug 31, 2024, at 9:17 PM
  • KOIOS is searching for facts. Well, to begin with, the definition of a "fact" according to the Oxford dictionary is a thing known to be proven or true.

    Koios, good luck in your search for facts in a world of biased journalism, filtered social media, politically appointed judges, and paid truth checkers.

    Searching for the truth is important, but if commonsense and history have any value at all, I'd put little faith in CURRENT "facts". Good luck.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Sun, Sep 1, 2024, at 9:23 AM
  • So now facts cease to exist? That’s a pretty dark theory.

    -- Posted by Koios on Sun, Sep 1, 2024, at 5:50 PM
  • Nobody said that facts don't exist. But dark theory? As it relates to politics and emotion where everything is relative and judgmental, maybe, most likely. Skepticism concerning your and my facts is a pretty healthy way to approach life and definitely entertaining.

    Enjoying your comments.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Sun, Sep 1, 2024, at 6:36 PM
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    Nobody voted for Kamala.

    How's that for a fact?

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Sun, Sep 1, 2024, at 6:43 PM
  • Delegates to the Convention sure did vote for Harris. That’s all that matters in political party business.

    That’s a fact.

    -- Posted by Koios on Sun, Sep 1, 2024, at 8:15 PM
  • *

    Right, *delegates* did. Not you or your fellow supporters.

    Say what you want about the deplorables, but at least their candidate is someone *they* wanted.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Sun, Sep 1, 2024, at 9:59 PM
  • I didn’t vote in either the Republican or Democratic primaries this year, if you really need to know. Thanks for assuming otherwise.

    -- Posted by Koios on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 7:58 AM
  • Democrat rules:

    cede your vote to the apparatus so we can hide the real power brokers (the highest bidder foreign or domestic)

    accuse the opposition party of exactly of what you're doing

    pass the bill to find out what is in the bill

    -- Posted by direstraits on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 8:15 AM
  • Primaries should be abolished anyway. It’s party business on the public dime: a fake “vote” that isn’t a vote at all.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 8:23 AM
  • ^ I completely agree with that statement.

    -- Posted by Koios on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 9:09 AM
  • More power for the party bosses?

    Like a politburo?

    Somebody has gone over to socialism. Good to know.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 2:47 PM
  • Dire, the main point is taxpayer money shouldn’t pay for party primaries. Let alone the fact that the taxpayer-funded two party primary system shuts out third/alternative parties that effectively reduce our choices.

    Nothing to do with socialism, everything to do with an unfettered democracy with real choices and taxpayers not paying for political party shenanigans.

    -- Posted by Koios on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 3:15 PM
  • I agree Koios. Ironcially, we had 0 primaries this year!!!!

    -- Posted by beg on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 3:54 PM
  • What do you call Niki Haley?

    She was the uni-party candidate.

    Remember? She was endorsed by Mittens Romney and McCain with an eye-patch guy.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 10:54 AM
  • Oh yeah, don't forget Dick Cheney in a dress too.

    All J6 insurrection conspiracy theorists.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 10:58 AM
  • Insurrectionist that didn't bring guns. Wow, the soy boys crapped their pants on that one, huh?

    Meanwhile the fake Dem convention bragging and advertising the onsite abortion van.

    23 was the last count.

    No curiosity about any of that from the globalist commies?

    -- Posted by direstraits on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 11:10 AM
  • The primaries themselves are the worst kind of socialism in action. But socialism is fine as long as it’s big businesses, massive corporate farms, multinational billionaires that control all of our natural resources, and political parties getting all the welfare, right? Socialism is only bad if your neighbor is receiving that sweet government dollar.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 12:26 PM
  • Exactly ***-backwards.

    No primaries allow for incumbents to remain in office and thus supports the bloated bureaucracies to rule over people that cannot throw the bum politicians that protect the bureaucrats and their favors.

    Very chummy relationship, huh?

    I sense you are one of the protected?

    -- Posted by direstraits on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 3:55 PM
  • How many primaries are uncontested?

    Quite a few across the country.

    There is a better way, and eliminating primaries and adopting a different system will eliminate the 2 party stranglehold on our nations political system. What that different system is should be the debate.

    -- Posted by Koios on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 5:28 PM
  • I am far from “one of the protected”. That comment actually made me laugh out loud. I’m just your everyday Libertarian-leaning logical person who understands that these primaries are not real votes; that before Kennedy this system wasn’t used at all; and that superdelegates exist in both parties precisely so they can overrule the will of their own registered voters if need be. Both parties have exercised that superdelegate option — democrats more often than republicans.

    Choosing a candidate is the private business of political parties, and not in any way the responsibility of the US taxpayer. The parties choose the vast majority of their candidates in that manner, but they need the hype that primaries provide — again, AT YOUR EXPENSE AND MINE — to build for the general national election.

    The two parties are stealing money from all of us. I suggest we end that practice, along with most other unnecessary spending.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 5:51 PM
  • ^ I second that motion.

    -- Posted by Koios on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 6:59 PM
  • The 35 trillion debt is not a result of elections abundance.

    It is a result of entrenched politicians and the no consequences of spending other people's money.

    In a word self-interest.

    All of the problems of fiscal irresponsibility lies at the uni-party doorstep and the semi-permanent, nay permanent, over-reach of Washington DC.

    Add in the complacent media that promotes and protects the pig wallow environment, the grip they have on our government control is solidly corrupt and protected.

    Current majorities of our two-party system are divided between the lunatic left, that are plunging deeper into the great abys of the destruction of humanity, has no place of leadership out of this darkness. Completely lost and corrupted.

    Republicans on the other hand are being led by Trump. A blunt force instrument that can and will disrupt this continuum of despair and if allowed to be seated in the executive branch, be the obvious choice for stopping this death grip that has a hold of our collective throats.

    He is the result of primary elections that in 2016 started out with what was it, sixteen challengers? Including one of the most powerful families in political history Jeb! Bush.

    What a great venue to weed out the pretenders and acolytes of the uni-party.

    The media should not be allowed to choose both sides of our two-party system. They have been given too much credence in the process of elections.

    Monopolies are bought and controlled by just a few.

    Limiting the process of constitutional elections in a two party system is not the answer. Governance by constitutional laws is.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 4:59 AM
  • Dire, would you care to share the budget deficits that the previous Trump Administration ran?

    -- Posted by Koios on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 5:57 AM
  • To the first point: primaries are not elections. I refuse to call them that because that’s not what they are. Just look at what the democrats did in that same year of 2016 to Bernie sanders, showing any reasonable person (twice in one decade now) that primaries mean nothing when the party decides they don’t like the results. If the Republican Party didn’t want Trump, he would have gotten the boot as well. Don’t be fooled by the “strong opposition” he faced — the party wanted the most popular candidate, and got him.

    To the main point, that Trump is somehow “draining the swamp” and changing the whole world of politics — I’ve seen zero evidence to back up that statement. Politicians are still as dirty as ever, and while I believe trump ranks above Biden, Clinton, and Harris as only the fourth-worst presidential candidate of my lifetime, I can’t in good conscience vote for him. I could list the reasons, but I’m certain there’s a character limit on comments here. Above all of them is that he’s a prolific liar, and even stands out among politicians as such, which is really saying something.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 9:10 AM
  • Why start there?

    Uni-party warmongers have been in complete power since the second term of Bubba Clinton.

    Clinton had a real republican Congress that kept him in check the first term. "It's the economy stupid" "The era of big government is over" quotes from his first term. He got the global expansion flu too. Plenty of dc money for war.

    W Bush plunged us into endless war in the middle east by the globalist elite. Led by Cheney the real power we now see.

    Obama/Biden picked up that mantel as soon as he got in. Arab spring anyone? Thank Benghazi Hillary at state dept.

    A trillion here and a trillion there pretty soon the defense industry is the most lucrative game in Washington.

    Now the dems have to dream up things to keep the money flowing. It is obvious they don't want the gravy train to end.

    Trumps in the way.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 9:30 AM
  • "Now the dems have to dream up things to keep the money flowing. It is obvious they don't want the gravy train to end."

    Well said, direstraits!

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 10:30 AM
  • *

    Presidential elections have always been about voting for the better of two evils. Trump isn't perfect, but you'd have to be a moron to think Kamala is the better option. I mean completely brain dead "next-level" stupid.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 4:06 PM
  • Dire “would you care to share the budget deficits that the previous Trump Administration ran?”

    Second chance.

    -- Posted by Koios on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 6:32 PM
  • Not playing your game KOOKOO

    Your question is OBTUSE.

    Look it up.

    -- Posted by direstraits on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 6:43 PM
  • Gee, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Just thought you might have the figures handy.

    -- Posted by Koios on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 8:09 PM
  • Well it’s a good thing there aren’t just two options to vote for, otherwise we’d be in real trouble.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Wed, Sep 4, 2024, at 9:01 PM
  • Even Nick Fuentes has jumped off the MAGA train after hearing Trump admit earlier this week that he lost the 2020 election “by a whisker”.

    It’s time to let him go, fellas, and drop this stolen election garbage. Vote Libertarian!!

    -- Posted by Koios on Thu, Sep 5, 2024, at 5:36 PM
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