Williams, Campbell, Brown move on to general election in county council race

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
The four victors in locally-contested races Tuesday evening, the Republicans vying for at-large Putnam County Council spots in November will be (from left) Kerry Williams, Amanda Brown and Stephanie Campbell, while the GOP nominee for District 1 Putnam County Commissioner is Andy Beck.

Two first-time candidates and a veteran of three successful local campaigns will represent the Republican party for three Putnam County Council at-large spots in November.

Kerry Williams, Stephanie Campbell and Amanda Brown are the three GOP nominees in what was a five-way race for three spots, having topped Chad Colvin and Daryn Clifford on Tuesday.

Williams set the pace all night, ultimately topping out at 2,237 votes (24.6 percent). Campbell, the current county council president, was next with 1,937 votes (20.5 percent), followed by Brown with 1,874 votes (19.8 percent).

Colvin took 1,696 votes (18.0 percent), followed by Clifford with 1,617 (17.1 percent).

Clifford was not contesting the race but was too late to withdraw his name from the ballot. He had stated his intent to resign if elected.

While this may be Williams’ first time seeking elected office, he’s no stranger to public service, having served the public on the Putnam County Soil and Water Board, Purdue Extension Board and Putnam County Fair Board.

Having the confidence of the public was certainly reassuring.

“It’s kind of surreal right at the moment,” Williams said. “We’ll see what happens in November. There’s still some time for other opponents to come on board. We’ll find out then.”

With the general election still to come, Williams nonetheless noted some priorities if elected.

“I just want to try and help get some answers for some things the county really needs to work,” he said, “maybe simple things like how to keep employees in place and happy.”

One of those already attempting to do such work is Campbell, who is now on the general election ballot for a second time for county council. She also served two terms as Putnam County auditor from 2005-2012.

“I just want to thank everybody for their support,” Campbell said. “I appreciate it, and I’m excited to hopefully continue to move forward and continue to grow the county and be a part of it.”

Joining them will be another newcomer in Brown, who had her young family in tow Tuesday and if elected would, alongside Campbell and Jay Alcorn, represent trend in younger council members.

“I want to thank everybody,” Brown said. “There were quite a few people who believed in me, they believed in change. I cannot wait to continue to show my support for this county.

“It was definitely an experience, nothing I had been through before, but I think things went really well.”

While Brown, Campbell and Williams are currently the only three candidates for the three at-large spots, the Democratic party as well as other parties and independents have until July 3 to place candidates on the ballot.

In the only other contested local race on Tuesday, Andy Beck is the Republican nominee for District 1 Putnam County Commissioner. Details on Beck’s race, as well as vote totals for other county-level candidates, is available in a separate story.

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  • Great job!!! Kerry Williams is going to be a great asset to the community.

    -- Posted by Nurse4life!! on Thu, May 9, 2024, at 6:42 AM
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