North Putnam board approves food service, bus driver comp

Monday, May 20, 2024

ROACHDALE — The two main items on an otherwise light agenda, the North Putnam School Board approved continuing food service and bus driver compensation on Thursday.

As to the former, Asst. Supt. Rodney Simpson brought a recommendation to renew North Putnam’s contract with Chartwells, with which it has been since 2019. The new agreement will be good for five years.

“I appreciate the partnership we have with them,” Simpson said. “It’s very good, and we have good, quality service for our kids and our staff.”

Stipulating that he had been given no specifics, Ron Spencer queried if more students have been bringing their lunches. Simpson responded that “it comes and goes,” and that Chartwells has worked with him to resolve issues.

“From what I’ve heard, and not overwhelmingly, it’s concerns with — I don’t wanna say ‘quality’ — the desired food, is the best way to put it,” Spencer said in being supportive of the partnership.

As such, and with affirmation of there being an opt-out option if there were significant issues, the board passed Spencer’s motion to renew the contract.

The board then approved a significant pay increase for North Putnam’s bus drivers. It is the latest step toward addressing retention, an issue that has had the board’s attention.

The standing daily rate of $78.50 will go to $100. Supt. Dustin LeMay further assured that the current experience formula would remain, in which the quotient’s average adds $6. While mileage will be removed, PERF and benefits will still be offered.

At its meeting in March, the board approved a one-time $500 stipend for June, as well as rolling $500 stipends split in two installments in December and June.

“When we add all those together, we are, I believe now, a competitive place with our drivers,” LeMay said.

In other business:

• The board approved student handbooks for each of the school buildings, as well as those for student-athletes and support personnel and the Cougar Cub Developmental Preschool at Bainbridge Elementary.

With no discussion had on the others with minor changes, Athletic Director Bart Jochim noted that the athletic handbook saw changes with regard to the academic policy and infractions involving substance use.

With Board Secretary Heather Lawson opposing the consent agenda in which it is included, the board also approved the following personnel report:

• New hires: Kara Hayes - NPMS social studies teacher; Opry Curran - NPMS instructional assistant; Amber Huffman - NPHS JAG specialist; Toshia Watson - Bainbridge Elementary first-grade teacher; Kayla Smock and Mariah Monnett - Roachdale Elementary special education teachers; Drew Nesbitt, Matt Farrington, Lucius Alexander, Macey Lambermont and Greg Lowe - summer laborers; Vince Brooks - NPHS summer strength and conditioning coordinator/ NPHS boys’ basketball head coach; Scott Moore - NPHS summer strength and conditioning assistant coordinator; Greg Lyons - NPHS boys’ basketball first assistant coach; Ronnie Campbell - NPHS boys’ basketball assistant coach/fifth-grade boys’ basketball coach; Kelly Windmiller - NPHS girls’ basketball head coach; Emilee Kendall and Krystal Williamson - NPHS girls’ basketball assistant coaches; Wesley Richardson - NPHS coed swimming head coach; Laurie Hensley - NPHS coed cross country assistant coach; Scott Spencer and Caleb Hubble - NPHS boys’ soccer assistant coaches; Haley Weaver and Kate Skirvin - NPHS girls’ soccer assistant coaches; Brian Moore - NPHS football first assistant coach; Cameron Brothers, Jackson Kendall, Brian Henry, Laren Sanford, Kyle Kirkham, Travis Franklin and Nate Bryan - NPHS football assistant coaches; Carrie Hook - NPHS cheer head coach; Brandy Dickson - ninth-grade girls’ volleyball head coach/girls’ volleyball assistant coach; Bronwyn Spencer - NPHS girls’ volleyball first assistant coach; Michelle Spencer and Katy McElhany - NPHS girls’ volleyball assistant coaches; Krystal Williamson - second-grade boys’ basketball coach; Jake Mullis and Brook Mullis - third-grade boys’ basketball coaches; Scott Curran - NPMS boys’ and girls’ soccer head coach; Hailey Norton - NPMS boys’ soccer assistant coach; Opry Curran - NPMS girls’ soccer assistant coach; David Gomez - NPMS soccer assistant coach; Ryan Franklin - eighth-grade boys’ basketball assistant coach/ NPMS girls’ basketball assistant coach; Aaron Littrell - seventh-grade boys’ basketball assistant coach; Craig Franklin - NPMS boys’ basketball assistant coach; Jarrod Duff - seventh-grade/eighth-grade girls’ basketball head coaches; Brad Szczerbik - seventh-grade girls’ basketball assistant coach; Jay Burdine - eighth-grade girls’ basketball assistant coach; Roger Busch - NPMS girls’ basketball assistant coach/NPMS cross country head coach; Josh Myers - NPMS football head coach; Mark Osborn - NPMS football first assistant coach; Mason Ray, Patrick Brock and Sam Smith - NPMS football assistant coaches; Haley Smith - NPMS cheer coach; Tarra Lawrence, Chloe Custis, Aubrey Hill, Bronwyn Spencer, Jenny Heron and Brandy Dickson - NPMS girls’ volleyball assistants; Jamie Keil - cross country assistant coach; Caleb Hubble - NPHS boys’ basketball assistant coach; Carly Gibbs - NPHS girls’ basketball first assistant coach; Michael Murphy - NPHS boys’ wrestling head coach/NPHS football assistant coach; and Ciara Boyer - NPMS cheer coach;

• Resignations: Beth Waterman - Roachdale Elementary principal (effective end of school year); Pattie Potts - Roachdale Elementary custodian (effective May 10); Tyna Dillon - bus driver (effective May 23); Amber Huffman - NPHS instructional assistant (effective May 23); and Julie Black - Roachdale Elementary teacher (effective end of school year);

• Retirement: Jeanine Peterson - Bainbridge Elementary teacher (effective end of school year).

With Eric Oliver and Mark Hoke absent, Business Manager Tanya Pearson, Corporation Attorney Tyler Nichols and Administrative Assistant April Lambermont joined LeMay, Simpson and the rest of the board for the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the North Putnam School Board is set for Thursday, June 20 at 7 p.m. in the large group instruction room at North Putnam High School.

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