National Road Yard Sale Festival set May 29-June 2

Monday, May 27, 2024
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BRAZIL — The fun part of going to yard sales is meeting people; the other is the enthusiastic hunt for a deal.

Yard sales allow neighbors to interact with each other and build relationships through bargain hunting. 

According to “Merriam-Webster Open Dictionary,” there is no actual term for this specific adventurous bargain shopper type. 

Yard sales have been around for a long time. People put items for sale in their yards, garages, etc., with yard sale signs. Shoppers love the hunt for a good bargain, which is what a yard sale provides.

According to, a website that tracks statistical information about the popularity of yard sales, the average number of yard sales held each week in the United States is 165,000.

For this article, those who search for bargains at these styles of sales will be called “shoppers.”


There is a familiar routine most yard or garage sale shoppers experience, including;

Gathering with one or more of like-minded bargain hunters,

Make sure you have a list of sales, either the newspaper or a local website,

Grabbing a quick hand-held breakfast, whatever you like,

Don’t forget the coffee or favorite drink - stay hydrated, 

Make sure you have gas in the vehicle, preferably large enough to hold your daily treasure and

Make sure you have enough small denominations of cash to fit your budget.

Many local shoppers say to be ready to bargain and haggle.

For those “on the hunt,”  shoppers say there is usually a notebook somewhere nearby to track purchases and determine the cost and savings of buying the items in the stores. The notebook also includes a section for what others might be looking for and contact information.


“It is like a game for us,” said a married couple in a local restaurant preparing for a weekend of treasure hunting. “If I find something I know someone needs, I buy it for them and then text them I got it. Many yard sale shoppers spend time texting and sending pictures back and forth. I guess you could say we team up. I love Summer because we know we are going yard sale shopping.”


According to a poll at

42% expect to negotiate the price.

97% leave within two minutes if they don’t see anything they like.

78% prefer items to be marked with a price.

83% bring children with them

94% report buying items for their kids during yard sale trips.

Top three least-loved yard sale items: Stuffed animals, televisions, magazines

Top three best-loved yard sale items: Tools, collectibles, sports equipment, antique pots and pans


The overall atmosphere is usually upbeat and fun during these types of sales, as friends catch up over coffee or while driving around. They often bump into each other several times during the hunt to bargain on prices with strangers, who often become friends during the yard sale season.

In 2003, Patricia McDaniel capitalized on the history surrounding U.S. 40 and the love Americans have for yard sales. “People have fun. It’s the biggest event in Indiana that weekend. You never know what’s around the bend. It’s the quest for hidden treasures.”


May 29-June 2

The 824-mile “yard sale” celebrates historic U.S. 40, the first federally funded road built in the United States between 1811 and 1834. 

U.S. 40 runs parallel to Interstate 70, passing through Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

The idea of the event is to let each community along the road host festivals celebrating the love of roadside treasure hunting, be it antiques and furniture, housewares, collectibles, or, in a few locations, the ability to purchase specialty treats and food items along the route.

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