Boer: Honor the fallen, thank the living

Tuesday, May 28, 2024
With the combined Greencastle American Legion-VFW Honor Guard at attention, incoming VFW Post 1550 commander Francis Boer offers remarks during the traditional Memorial Day observance at Forest Hill Cemetery on Monday.
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Addressing the traditional Memorial Day observance on Monday at Forest Hill Cemetery in Greencastle, Francis Boer emphasized keeping remembrance of sacrifice at the forefront.

Following a charge to keep the affair short and to the point, his message encompassed barbecues and river floats, the day being the unofficial start of summer, not overshadowing its intent and meaning. He asked of fellow Americans to hone in on that sacrifice.

“Commercialization has vastly overshadowed the reason behind today,” the incoming commander of VFW Post 1550 began. “While these are important events, today should not be confused with any other priority.”

Boer noted that Memorial Day was first celebrated as Decoration Day, which was proclaimed by Commander in Chief John Logan in May 1868 so as to honor Union soldiers who died in the Civil War. The pure purpose then was to decorate their graves.

In his proclamation of this year’s commemoration, President Joe Biden called for the day to be one of prayer for permanent peace. Congress also designated 3 p.m. as the National Moment of Remembrance for all Americans to observe in their own ways.

“Today, we honor the fallen from every conflict, from our independence to current engagements,” Boer said.

To that, he cited an estimated 646,590 American soldiers having given that last full measure in conflict. Of those, 81,000 from World War II to the present are categorized as missing in action.

Boer brought up what Spc. Nathan Beyers related on Facebook in July 2011: A soldier has only one wish, and that is to come home safe.

Days after he made his post, Beyers and Spc. Nicholas Newby, both of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, were killed when insurgents attacked their convoy in Baghdad. Beyers left behind his wife and a daughter.

In concluding his remarks, Boer urged all Americans to honor the fallen, and to thank those who have returned for their service.

“Take a moment to remember fellow comrades in arms, family, friends, neighbors, classmates and community members who’ve gone before us for their personal sacrifice,” Boer exhorted.

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  • God bless all those who have served or currently serve our country! You share a special bond and all your sacrifices are much appreciated!🇺🇸

    -- Posted by jake71 on Tue, May 28, 2024, at 8:26 PM
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