Here Comes the Summer

Thursday, May 30, 2024
With a community of music lovers nearly filling the main level seating at Gobin Church, violinist Teagan Faran performs “Iridescent,” written by Grace Ann Lee, during the Greencastle Summer Music Festival concert Wednesday evening. Earlier, Faran collaborates with Leo Sussman on Flute and Eric Edberg on cello in a performance of “Haydn London Trio in C Major" (below). Opening the 20th season of GSMF, the gala show titled “Here Comes the Summer” featured readings from local poet Joe Heithaus as well as performances from Claude Cymerman, Joel and Tosh Everson, Bobbie Lancaster, Micah Layne and Cathie Malach – all of whom are professional musicians based in Greencastle. The night ended appropriately with nearly every artist gathered for a genre-bending performance of the Beatles’ “Here Comes the Sun.” The GSMF will continue on Wednesday, June 5 with the Ellie Ypma Memorial Concert with the Indianapolis Quartet, featuring former Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra concertmaster Zach DePue and former ISO principal violist Michael Strauss. These free concerts continue each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at Gobin Church for 12 weeks.

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