Area 30 celebrates Adult Education grads

Monday, June 3, 2024
This year’s graduates in Area 30’s Adult Education program turn their tassels during a ceremony on Friday.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

Perseverance and achievement were celebrated in abundance on Friday as 15 students in Area 30’s Adult Education program turned their tassels.

Even though it is a small one, Adult Education Coordinator Laura Elsbrock was adamant about the program having dedicated students. With Kasey Wyeth as an instructor and tag-teaming with husband and proctor Chris, the enthusiasm is all the way.

Thirty-five students graduated from the program with their high school equivalency diploma, with the youngest being 16 and the oldest 64. Elsbrock related that most of them were working and unable to attend the ceremony.

While Area 30 is known for its programs for high school students, Adult Education encompasses a different need. More than anything, Elsbrock related that the program aims to help those who left high school, or were home-schooled, and want to get their certificate.

“Our students come from a variety of backgrounds educationally,” Elsbrock said. “In addition to the fact that we also work with students who are interested in workforce training.”

When they come into the program, each student is given an assessment to determine where they are at in reading, language and math. An individualized plan is designed for each of them, in which goals are then met at their own pace.

There is also pride in the commitment of the program’s workforce certification students. With some who will have a diploma or degree and want to skill up, these individuals earn them to do even more in their employment.

Elsbrock expressed being “very lucky” to have employers locally with high-paying jobs, especially with the workforce certifications the program offers. These include MIG welding, CNC machining, Class B truck and bus CDLs and training for paraprofessional teaching and associate logistics.

Elsbrock noted that these courses for those certifications do not cost the students any money. As it is a private testing facility, students can also take the test for their high school equivalency at Area 30.

“If you know someone who maybe is a little lost in their career direction right now,” she said, “we’d be happy to speak with those individuals.”

The celebration was ultimately about the graduates, and in turn the families who have supported them. Elsbrock wanted each to take stock of how their efforts got them to this point, regardless of their particular circumstances.

“All of these folks overcame all of those issues and obstacles and have been successful,” she said. “It’s important that you reflect on that journey as you get into this milestone.”

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  • Congratulations to you all!

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Tue, Jun 4, 2024, at 1:15 PM
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