Greencastle trustee, board to consider two school board candidates Thursday

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Ed Wilson and Scott Bieniek

On the heels of the recent Greencastle City Council selection of a school board member, Greencastle Township officials are set to do the same on Thursday.

At 6 p.m., Greencastle Township Trustee Steve Butts and the township advisory board will meet for the purpose of filling a four-year term on the Greencastle School Board.

The meeting will take place at Greencastle Community Schools Central Office. Knowing the small size of his own office, Butts requested use of the venue from school officials.

Butts reported that two candidates have expressed interest in the position. Current board Vice President Ed Wilson, who serves as assistant chief of the Greencastle Police Department, is seeking a second term on the school board.

Meanwhile, local attorney Scott Bieniek is also seeking the position.

Both men will be interviewed publicly during the meeting, with a selection set to follow.

Wilson’s current term expires on June 30. The four-year term up for consideration runs through June 30, 2028.

The consideration comes at a time of turnover for the GCSC board. On Tuesday, veteran Greencastle teacher Kathryn Dory was chosen for a four-year term by the Greencastle City Council, replacing Brian Cox, who was also a candidate for the position.

Meanwhile, the school board itself will soon be selecting someone to serve the remaining three years of a Greencastle Township appointment. Mike White was appointed by the township for his fourth term last year, but he has resigned, effective June 15.

The school board is accepting applications for that position through Friday, June 21. Resumes may be sent to Greencastle Community Schools, Attn. Board Vice President Ed Wilson, 1002 Mill Pond Lane, Greencastle, IN 46135.

The township appoints two of the five members to the school board, with Wilson’s current position next up on June 30, 2028 and White’s position serving through June 30, 2027. Among city council appointments, meanwhile, Megan Inman (appointed by the school board to replace Russell Harvey) is set to serve through June 30, 2026.

Madison Township leaders make the final appointment to the board, with Dale Pierce’s current term expiring on June 30, 2025.

Butts will be joined in conducting the interviews and making his decision by Greencastle Township Advisory Board members Karen Ambler, Marilyn Clearwaters and Mary Jane Monnett.

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  • I appreciate folks stepping up and volunteering to serve on the GCSC board. Thank you!

    -- Posted by bevaallmanmiller on Wed, Jun 12, 2024, at 8:23 PM
  • Ed Wilson is the right choice!!!

    -- Posted by birgebrent on Wed, Jun 12, 2024, at 9:51 PM
  • I think Mr. Bieniek would bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position as he is in a professional field that would bring a trove of knowledge that school boards are sometimes lacking. If the recent claims are to be believed the schools have already violated the law by taking away services from students that were mandated by the law. While Mr. Wilson is also in a similar field, and it is nice to have public safety personnel familiar with our schools, I think with what I have read, it would be wise if the advisory board members thought about fresh perspectives. I think that the appointment of Mrs. Dory as the city council's choice was a wise decision with her many years of experience in the local school system and her understanding of what students and staff members need to succeed and her background as a retired GCCS teacher makes her an ideal person for the job at hand.

    -- Posted by Charlie7 on Thu, Jun 13, 2024, at 3:07 PM
  • Being on the Police Department isn't enough......??????

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Fri, Jun 14, 2024, at 4:20 PM
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