‘Daughters,’ featuring Jess and Janae Berry, now streaming on Omeleto platform

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Real-life mother and daughter Jess and Janae Berry star in the short film "Daughters," which is now streaming on the free platform Omeleto.
Courtesy photo

Beginning last Thursday, “Daughters” has been exclusively available for free streaming on Omeleto.com.

Omeleto is known as the home to the next generation of great filmmakers, showcases more than 700 short films, and reaches more than 3.7 million subscribers worldwide. “Daughters” is in spectacular company alongside Sundance winners, Oscar-nominated and critically-acclaimed filmmakers from every genre on Omeleto’s platform.

“Daughters” will run for three months on the streaming platform, and active engagement, such as likes and comments during its initial release, will significantly influence its potential for an extended life online.

Jess Berry

To watch, visit omeleto.com and search for the film’s title to enjoy on any computer or smartphone.

Filmed entirely in Putnam County, “Daughters” is a story about a career-driven daughter who must come to terms with the heart-breaking differences she has with her beloved mother and showcases local actors Jess Berry and Janae Berry.

Jess Berry’s newest project, “Fairground” (shot last summer at the 2023 Putnam County Fair), is currently in post-production and aims to start its festival showcase beginning this fall.

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  • so glad to be able to see it!

    -- Posted by small town fan on Tue, Jun 18, 2024, at 10:15 AM
  • Please check that website. I'm not sure it's correct.

    -- Posted by HeyDere46135 on Tue, Jun 18, 2024, at 4:43 PM
  • It's a You tube channel.

    -- Posted by bddsac999 on Wed, Jun 19, 2024, at 4:58 AM
  • Congrats, Jess!!

    -- Posted by alison.dobbs2 on Sat, Jun 22, 2024, at 10:58 PM
  • You can watch it on Youtube under the Omeleto channel. Good little film.

    -- Posted by voiceofreason2 on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 9:14 AM
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