Putnam County Museum celebrates opening of ‘What Bugs Us!’

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Informally known as the handsome fungus beetle, stenotarsus blatchleyi is actually named for famed entomologist Willis Blatchley, who grew up in Groveland.
Courtesy photo

In conjunction with the opening of “What Bugs Us!” and an exhibit on famed entomologist Willis Blatchley, special guest Dr. Christopher Wirth, collection manager of the Purdue Entomological Research Collection, will present a talk about Willis Blatchley and his bugs.

Blatchley grew up in Groveland. He was considered the Indiana state naturalist. Blatchley discovered many insects that had never been described.

Several bear his name, such as this Handsome Fungus Beetle, stenotarsus blatchleyi.

Every kid has a bug phase. I just never grew out of mine.

“This quip by E.O. Wilson perfectly captures my own relationship with insects”, says Wirth. “As a child I began collecting and identifying the insects found throughout my family’s rural yard and quickly realized the astounding diversity of insects. These countless moments of discovery transformed a childhood fascination with ‘bugs’ into my professional interest.”

Wirth is responsible for more than 1.3 million insect (and other arthropod) specimens in the research collection. In his spare time, he photographs bugs.

This presentation and opening will take place on Sunday June 23, at 2:30 p.m. at the Putnam County Museum, 1105 N. Jackson St., Greencastle. Call 653-8419 for additional information.

The exhibit contains the award-winning insect collections of Grace Aker and Justin Evans, actual Blatchley specimens courtesy of the Purdue Entomological Collection, an interactive photographic bug mosaic developed by John Garner in conjunction with local photographers and Blatchley memorabilia loaned by the Blatchley Nature Study Club. This exhibit was made possible through a sponsorship by Jedele Enterprises.

Related bug activities for young people will be held as follows:

June 30, 2 p.m. Seek and Find: Make your own insect viewer

July 27, 11 a.m. All About Bees – Where Should I Live? Mason bees homes and honey bee homes

Feb. 27, 2 p.m. Camouflage or Not? Design Your Own Insect

April 12, 11 a.m. How Do I Move? Insects that grab, walk and fly

Call the Museum at 653-8419 to reserve a space for any of these programs.

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