Going All IN

Friday, June 21, 2024
Part of a team of more than 1,600 volunteers across Central Indiana on Friday, Xander Stone and Putnam County Community Foundation Executive Director Neysa Meyer rake the crushed shells that will comprise the new bocce ball court at Robe-Ann Park. The local effort, which included a half dozen PCCF volunteers, is part of Go All IN Day, hosted by United Way of Central Indiana and the Indianapolis Colts. Local projects, which also included painting and grounds cleanup at the Putnam County Public Library, were sponsored by Hendricks Regional Health. Xander is the seven-year-old son of PCCF Communications Director Sarah Stone and husband Dylan of Cloverdale.

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  • It's a great game!!

    -- Posted by your mom on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 8:10 PM
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