Semis found crossing Devil’s Backbone bridge

Monday, June 24, 2024
With the state of local bridges already on the minds of Putnam County officials, two different tractor-trailers were found crossing the one-lane iron bridge over Deer Creek on Devil’s Backbone Road near Mt. Meridian on Thursday.
Courtesy photos

MT. MERIDIAN — An apparently new shortcut across Putnam County roads could begin taxing a relatively good bridge on the county inventory.

On Thursday, a local resident sent photos to Putnam County Commissioner Rick Woodall of two different tractor-trailers crossing the iron bridge on Devil’s Backbone Road (County Road 375 South) in southwestern Marion Township.

Reconstructed in 2006, Bridge 152 is a 118-year-old one-lane steel truss bridge with a wooden deck and is rated for 15 tons, a much higher rating than some similar structures in the county.

However, even an unloaded semi can weigh somewhere in this neighborhood, while state and federal law allow for as much as 40 tons at full capacity, well in excess of double the posted weight.

It’s been common recently to find commercial vehicles on county roads and city streets where they might not normally be due to U.S. 231 construction in Greencastle. However, the road in question does not seem to have anything to do with that particular project.

On the other hand, Airport Road to County Road 275 East/County Road 300 East has also become a common shortcut in recent years for those wanting to access the factories on the East Side of Greencastle without going through the city itself. While Devil’s Backbone offers an even shorter route to or from the east on U.S. 40, it is also a gravel road with multiple curves and hills as it enters and exits the valley of Deer Creek.

From the photos, one of the semi trailers is clearly marked as belonging to “Central Transport,” while the other is less clear.

The citizen who took the pictures questioned one of the semi drivers as to why this particular route was chosen. He reported that his dispatcher sent him that way.

County Engineer Jim Peck reported Monday morning that he inspected the bridge, which did not show any signs of damage from the overweight loads.

The incidents come on the heels of the Putnam County Council increasing the local wheel tax and motor vehicle excise surtax to their maximum amounts — $80 and $50 respectively — with the direction to highway department that the lion’s share of the funds be spent on bridge maintenance.

Unfortunately for local motorists, they could be footing the bill for the negligence of out-of-town transportation companies.

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  • Putnam County Commissioners: POST WEIGHT LIMITS on these roads, then ticket the truck drives and companies for illegal loads.

    -- Posted by Lookout on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 1:00 PM
  • Not sure the PCC can issue tickets

    -- Posted by beg on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 2:10 PM
  • What a joke till the county starts emponding the truck and trailer a ticket means nothing

    -- Posted by johnperry on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 2:10 PM
  • I agree. Why aren’t the sheriffs tagging them. Even better yet get the DOT in and make the truckers life miserable with a complete inspection. They hide behind the excuse that iss the way the dispatchers told them to go. It isn’t the dispatchers that will be getting the tickets! You have pictures! Go after the company!

    Anyone not adhering to the posted weights no matter who it is should pay the fine including local workers

    Until some kind of ongoing enforcement starts and continues there will be nothing but more closed damaged bridges and the citizens again paying for it.

    -- Posted by Simplelife on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 6:43 PM
  • If you want industry wouldn't the best bet be improve the normal routes to accomodate the increased flow of heavy truck traffic be better that punishing a company and it's drivers that are just trying to do their job?

    -- Posted by john_nichols46105 on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 6:42 AM
  • Ticket and fine these trucks/companies with huge fines for repair of the bridge(s) that they are not supposed to be crossing.

    -- Posted by Jaxks on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 11:16 AM
  • @john_nichols, the posted detour is clearly marked, these guys just don’t want to go out of their way to get there. The main roads *are* being improved as we speak, that’s why there’s a detour.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 1:59 PM
  • Techphcy and Jaxks I couldn’t agree more. Again why isn’t the sheriffs office and DOT doing more enforcement and inspections to keep the trucks and large overweight farm equipment off these bridges. The taxpayers keep taking it in the shorts and the abusers just keep ignoring the posted weights. WHY? oh that’s right those rules are for everyone else!!! People you scream every time a bridge is closed! And here you have the reason why! How come more aren’t screaming now?? Why aren’t more demanding our “elected” officials to do something about this? Is it the money to hire back a sheriff? I’m sure a couple fines a day would certainly pay for that overtime! There are 2 wrongs here. The driver says his dispatcher told him to go this way. So who gets the fine? The dispatcher? The driver? The company? Maybe the drivers can’t read English? If that’s so how did they pass the CDL test? Here is an idea… hide some cameras and when the county has pictures/video of the abuse go after the company hard, make the attorney for the county earn his pay! This is getting real old and I’m getting tired of closed bridges and more money out of my pocket to fix them when the very people responsible just laugh

    -- Posted by Simplelife on Thu, Jun 27, 2024, at 8:31 AM
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