County school boards feature just one contested race

Monday, June 24, 2024
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With potential for seven local school board races on the November ballot, only one will actually be contested.

The three at-large positions on the Cloverdale School Board will be determined by four candidates.

No other race for the school boards at Cloverdale, North Putnam and South Putnam features more than a single non-partisan candidate.

In the at-large race for Cloverdale School Board, challenger Aragon Gould will join incumbents Donna Fidler, Katrina Lewis and Joe Mann on the ballot. The top three vote getters will have a position on the board for the next four years.

Two years ago, Gould unsuccessfully challenged Vivian Whitaker for her Cloverdale Township spot on the board. Fidler has served on the board since 2008 and Lewis and Mann since 2017.

Meanwhile, no candidate successfully filed for the Jackson Township, Owen County, position on the Cloverdale board. One potential candidate reportedly filed paperwork but was one signature short of the minimum requirement.

Mike Rightmyer is the incumbent.

The North Putnam board, meanwhile, has exactly one candidate for each of its four open positions on the 2024 ballot, just one of whom is an incumbent — Heather Lawson of Monroe Township.

Meanwhile, familiar face Travis Lambermont will be back on the board as the at-large representative two years after he did not seek another term in Clinton Township. Veteran board member Mark Hoke is the current at-large representative.

Additionally, Nathan Scott will take the Franklin Township position currently occupied by Amber Greene, and Zac Williams will assume the Russell Township spot which Eric Oliver currently fills.

Finally, at South Putnam, only incumbent and current President Lisa Cooper will appear on the ballot, unopposed for her Washington Township seat. The remaining two positions — Marion and at-large — have no candidates.

Hollie Hutcheson is the current Marion Township representative, while Joseph Roach occupies the at-large seat.

In the case of any unfilled positions, incumbents retain their seats unless they resign.

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  • Mike Rightmyer did not file. Barron Barnett filed but was one signature short of the requirement. Mike Rightmyer will retain his seat unless he resigns.

    Vivian Whitaker

    -- Posted by vwhitaker11 on Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 5:19 PM
    Response by Jared Jernagan, Editor, Greencastle Banner-Graphic:
    Thanks, Vivian.
  • So, this kinda disproves the clamoring of those that support an elected school board as being a better process than an appointed one! Seems that Greencastle Township had two candidates, Greencastle City Council five and now there are seven candidates vying for the open spot left after Mike White's resignation. Seems we have more interest and good, qualified candidates for the only appointed school board in the county than we do for the elected ones!!

    -- Posted by gustave&zelma on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 3:44 PM
  • So, gustave@zelma, do you prefer appointed or elected? What is your perpsepctive?

    -- Posted by beg on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 9:57 PM
  • 93% of USA school boards are elected.

    -- Posted by bddsac999 on Thu, Jun 27, 2024, at 7:45 PM
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