Roy Haddon, John Wells honored for longtime fire service

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
Standing between them, IVFA lobbyist Larry Curl (white shirt) recognizes (from right) John Wells and Roy Haddon, as well as other Reelsville volunteer firefighters, for their years of service on Monday.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

REELSVILLE — With a combined 115 years of commitment, Roy Haddon and John Wells have seen myriad changes in the volunteer fire service.

As they and other Reelsville firefighters were recognized for their years of service on Monday, the pair was not short of humor. But when the occasion came down to its purpose, it was about showing gratitude from the community.

As the vice chairman of the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association’s District 11B, fellow Reelsville firefighter Jack Giles stated such recognition was found to be overdue. Hence, the department hosted a gathering with family in attendance.

“I decided to throw a little party here, unbeknownst to a lot of people except for the chief and the assistant chief,” Giles said to that.

As a longtime firefighter himself and the IVFA’s lobbyist, Larry Curl presented Haddon and Wells with challenge coins denoting 50 years of service. The crux is that Haddon has 60 years of service, while Wells has 55 years. Both are regularly involved with Reelsville Fire.

“How the hell’d we miss you for 10 years?” Curl asked Haddon genuinely.

“I stay low-key,” Haddon responded, deadpanned and with much laughter from the audience.

Curl spoke to 50 years in the volunteer fire service being no small commitment. For many, he said, it is beyond what they might think of when they join the ranks.

“Tonight, we honor two firefighters who exemplify the power of human compassion and the strength of the American spirit,” Curl said. “Gentlemen, congratulations on your time in, and your dedication and your commitment.”

Switching to “story time,” the humor came through. As to the fire service having changed, it was an ironic “Oh no” from Haddon. Wells in turn said Tyrannosaurus rexes were utilized when he started.

“I’m not a liar,” Haddon deadpanned again with more hearty laughter.

According to Haddon, though, turnout gear before 1969 meant hip boots, a coat made of duck material and a helmet. He bought his outfit with an $18 clothing allowance.

Starting his career south of Indianapolis with Acton, Wells said the department had a new engine when he went on. Meanwhile, Haddon recalled Reelsville Fire having an engine and an old gas truck for a tanker.

“Back then, we rode on the back end,” Wells related. “And to be honest with you, that was a lot of fun.”

Haddon remembered one run to a fire with the tanker, during which his young son, Larry, stood up on the floorboard.

“He stood on the floor, could barely just reach the siren button,” he said. “He would push that button, and I said, ‘Now, let off of it ... Now push it again.’”

Even while it was late, Curl ultimately expressed it as an honor to present Haddon and Wells with their challenge coins.

Other firefighters received pins recognizing their time in the volunteer service. Brett McCloud, Ralph Selby and JD Sadler marked 25 years, while Robert Mason and Wyatt Dunkley have 10 years.

Giles and Loretta Jolliff, as well as Frank Coffey and Brian Stearley, were also recognized for 25 years and 10 years, respectively, in supporting volunteer auxiliaries. They received pins from Jodi Rohr of the IVFA’s auxiliary wing.

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  • Congratulations to all of you!

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Tue, Jun 25, 2024, at 2:18 PM
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