Russellville council opens community center roof bids

Thursday, June 27, 2024
Russellville Community Center

RUSSELLVILLE — With repairs to the Russellville Community Center’s roof anticipated to become reality later this year, town leaders are set to approve a bid for the work.

The Russellville Town Council opened three bids received as such at its regular meeting on Wednesday.

Worth Restoration, Russellville, came in with a bid of $207,850.25. TJD Roofing & Exteriors, Greencastle, sent a bid for $281,324. The lowest bid, meanwhile, came from Big Sky Roofing, Brownsburg, at $190,480.

Greencastle-Putnam County Economic Development Director Kristin Clary and Town Attorney Stu Weliever noted that the bids were appropriately received via email by Clerk-Treasurer Martha Mandleco.

The project is being covered by funding through the Regional Economic Acceleration and Development Initiative (READI), as well as money raised by the community center’s stewards. The Putnam County Commissioners also devoted funds from the Economic Development Income Tax (EDIT) plan.

As is usual, the council took the bids under advisement. They are to be reviewed by a committee including Clary and councilmen Cary McGaughey and Tony Riggen, as well as Darrell Wiatt and another from the community center’s board.

While a time for it was not announced, the council planned to hold a special meeting on July 5 to award the choice.

“I would like to thank the three companies that submitted bids,” Wiatt commented, noting that they were represented. “And the community center is the majority of your people, and I appreciate them supporting this.”

In other business:

• With no comments made for or against it in a public hearing, the council passed an ordinance to vacate an alleyway at the end of 2nd Street.

The alleyway is between two properties owned by David and Linda Bunsenbark, who brought a request for it to be vacated last month. Weliever noted the ordinance stipulating that easements for utilities under it being reserved.

• With three received, the council approved a quote of $1,600 from Brian Smith, of Waveland, for 80 tons of stone, including delivery.

Sixty tons of No. 8 stone will go to Keystone Cooperative, while the remaining 20 tons of No. 53 stone will be dumped at the community center and then spread there and at other locations.

While Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Teresa Ciulla and Street Supt. John Boller were absent, Town Marshal Matt Biggs joined Mandleco, Weliever and the whole council for the meeting.

The next regular meeting of the Russellville Town Council is set for Wednesday, July 24 at 7 p.m. at the community center.

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  • It’s a shame the biggest business in Russellville has a gravel road to it

    -- Posted by Hlmc on Thu, Jun 27, 2024, at 8:11 PM
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