Jimmy Beasley Jr. appointed to Greencastle School Board

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Jimmy Beasley

After the exhaustive process of seven interviews over two days, the Greencastle School Board chose its fifth member Friday night.

Former educator and school administrator Jimmy Beasley Jr. was chosen unanimously for the remaining three years of a Greencastle Township appointment to the board.

Beasley’s appointment brings to a close a busy season of turnover and near turnover on the board that included the resignation of Greencastle Township appointee and board President Mike White, the reappointment of fellow township appointee and Vice President Ed Wilson and the replacement of Greencastle City Council appointee Brian Cox with former GCSC music teacher Kathryn Dory.

As of July 1, the board will be composed of Madison Township appointee Dale Pierce (term expires June 30, 2025), City Council appointees Megan Inman (June 30, 2026) and Dory (June 30, 2028) and Greencastle Township appointees Beasley (June 30, 2027) and Wilson (June 30, 2028).

The whirlwind two days included board members Wilson, Pierce, Inman and Cox interviewing seven candidates then meeting in executive session for deliberations on Friday night before reconvening at 7 p.m. for a public session and vote.

“It was just the finest points that we had to go to on. We finally came to a consensus that’s who we were going to choose,” Wilson said of Beasley. “In the end, it was unanimous.”

The field of candidates also included Carrie Ball, Scott Bieniek, John Mark Day, James Sprinkle, Anthony Tillman and Kevin Verhoff.

“We had seven great candidates,” Wilson said. “There was nobody who we threw out easily.”

Two things that stuck out, according to Wilson, were Beasley’s status as a township resident outside of the city, as well as his background in education.

“Jimmy was someone who is an actual township resident, and we know that has been a little bit of a topic lately. That stuck out, and that was a plus,” Wilson said. “He has a strong background in education – teaching and administration both. He’s been a coach in our corporation, so he knows the ins and outs of that.”

Wilson also noted that Beasley has a doctorate in education and has worked in a school central office before, so he has a good strong understanding of school administration.

Wilson also praised some of his stances on education topics.

“We really liked his ideas on post-high school activities,” Wilson said. “He said college isn’t for everyone, and we need to make sure there are opportunities for all kids.”

Beasley also has three children in three different GCSC schools.

The new-look board is set to meet for the first time at 6 p.m. on Monday, July 22 at GCSC Central Office. Not only will Dory and Beasley be sworn in at that time, but the board will also choose officers for the coming year.

The Banner Graphic plans to reach out to Beasley for comment.

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  • EXCELLENT choice!!!!!!!!!

    -- Posted by beg on Fri, Jun 28, 2024, at 11:19 PM
  • More of the same. Greencastle needs an independently elected school board comprised of people not beholden to the status quo and the existing city government.

    -- Posted by jorge on Sat, Jun 29, 2024, at 9:03 AM
  • Congrats Jimmy!

    What an amazing choice!

    Jimmy will put our students and teachers 1st! Although Jimmy was appointed and I do agree we need an elected board Jimmy would win any election across the state for a board seat! His resume, character, and ethics is second to none. Greencastle School Corporation is better today than yesterday and the future is bright!

    -- Posted by purple pride on Sat, Jun 29, 2024, at 11:07 AM
  • Many congratulations

    -- Posted by Nit on Sun, Jun 30, 2024, at 9:48 PM
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