Fair passes available for purchase

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

It’s almost Putnam County Fair time, and residents are urge to buy their passes early this year.

First National Bank will be the new sponsor for the 2024 Putnam County 4-H Fair parking passes. Passes are $15 for purchase before the fair and increase to $20 afterward.

Buy a pass, come to the fair, support Putnam County and all the 4-H members. All sales locations and at the front gate are cash only and are on a first-come first-served status.

The passes are larger this year, and motorists need to hold them outside of their vehicles when entering the fairgrounds. The crew checking for passes and taking money is all volunteers, so be courteous.

The Putnam County Fair is not supported with tax dollars, but is instead supported fair by paying to park. Public support is deeply appreciated.

For more fair details, go to www.putcofair.org or visit the Facebook page.

Passes are available to purchase at First National Bank in Greencastle, Cloverdale and Coatesville; Purdue Extension-Putnam County; S & W Feed Center Greencastle; J&N Feed Supply Bainbridge and Cloverdale Agri Center Inc.

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  • Passes are also available at Tri County Bank in the northern part of the county!

    -- Posted by Phelpsfamilyfarm on Wed, Jul 3, 2024, at 7:41 PM
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