Wabash Capital earns certification for fiduciary excellence again

Thursday, July 4, 2024

After undergoing a thorough and independent assessment of investment management processes, investment strategy implementation and other fiduciary practices, Wabash Capital recently announced formal achievement of Centre for Fiduciary Excellence (CEFEX) certification from Broadridge for the 10th year.

This makes Wabash Capital part of the elite group of nearly 250 firms from around the world to successfully complete the independent certification process.

Part of the rigorous evidence-based assessment included successfully demonstrating adherence to documented and legally substantiated best practice fiduciary standards. The annually renewed certification signifies an ongoing commitment to providing consistent objective advice that’s in a client’s best interest – both at the institutional and individual levels.

“We are proud to be a CEFEX certified investment firm,” Don Edwards, president of Wabash Capital Inc., said. “This certification assures our clients that we are keeping up with the best practices in the industry. Our clients also know that we are a Fiduciary Advisor, meaning we are obligated to act in their best interest.”

The CEFEX certification program is based on the International Standards Organization (ISO) 19011: Guidelines for auditing management systems. The standard, “Prudent Practices for Investment Advisors” is substantiated by legislation, case law, and regulatory opinion letters from the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the Uniform Prudent Investor Act (UPIA), the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA) and the Model Management of Public Employee Retirement Systems Act (MMPERSA) in the U.S.

“Through CEFEX’s independent assessment, the certification provides assurance to investors, that Wabash Capital has demonstrated adherence to the industry’s best fiduciary practices,” Centre for Fiduciary Excellence Vice President Carlos Panksep said. “This indicates the firm’s interests are aligned with investors.”

Wabash Capital is specifically certified for Investment advisory and management services for endowments, foundation and retirement plan clients serving in an ERISA 3(21) advisory role and/or ERISA 3(38) Investment Management Ro Official registration for Wabash Capital can be see www.wabashcapital.com as well as the Independent Assessment Report can be viewed here.

To learn more about CEFEX certification visit cefex.org.

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