Area 30 Board organizes for new school year

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The major items on an otherwise short agenda, Area 30 Career Center’s interlocal board organized for the 2024-25 school year on Tuesday.

The board first set its slate of officers, with Eminence Supt. Wesley Hammond taking over as its president. Meanwhile, Greencastle Supt. Jeff Gibboney and North Putnam Supt. Dustin LeMay were approved as vice president and secretary, respectively.

The officers rotate every year following alphabetical order by each of the sending school corporations.

Also retaining Michelle Cooper of Lewis & Kappes as its legal counsel, the board set Brianne Bumgardner and Lisa Wood as treasurer and deputy treasurer, respectively. Bumgardner is taking over from Cindy Burnham, who recently retired.

The board also approved its regular meetings to continue being held on the second Tuesday of the month.

In other business:

• Executive Director Chad Nunley noted that registration for Area 30 will be held on July 31 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the building. While it is an opportunity to meet new students, Nunley said it is also a time for second-year ones to touch base on their course needs.

• The board approved handbooks for students and staff. Nunley noted that adjustments were made to its cellphone policy to align with those of the sending schools discipline-wise.

“I appreciate you working hard to make it as consistent as possible,” Gibboney commented. “I know that gets tricky for parents, and I know that they appreciate when things are more similar than not.”

• The board approved lunch prices for students and adults at $3.19 and $4.50, respectively. They are unchanged from last school year.

With personnel, the board approved a status change for Chelsea Edwards, who now will be the cafeteria’s part-time assistant manager. Meanwhile, Karen Nelson Heavin was approved as Area 30’s dual work-based-learning coordinator/career specialist.

While her position as a whole is considered a part-time replacement, Nunley said Heavin’s work-based learning work is covered by Perkins. He said this will be developed as Graduation Pathways figures into it.

“We’re excited to bring Karen on board,” Nunley said. “She will do everything she has always done for all of the schools, so there will be no change there.”

While LeMay and Cloverdale Supt. Greg Linton were absent, Bumgardner and Asst. Director Ruben Hinners joined Nunley and the rest of the board for the meeting.

The next meeting of the Area 30 Board is set for Tuesday, Aug. 13 at 9 a.m. in the Old National Trail conference room.

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