South Putnam accepts bid of $9.8 million for fieldhouse

Thursday, July 18, 2024
With a $9.8 million bid approved Wednesday, South Putnam is moving forward with the construction of a fieldhouse at the high school. The project is expected to be completed next summer.
Courtesy Fanning Howey

By this time next year, an entirely new set of athletic facilities should be available to South Putnam student-athletes.

On Wednesday evening, the South Putnam School Board accepted a $9.8 million bid from Peterson Co. for the new fieldhouse project at South Putnam Middle School/High School.

The new facility, set for construction on the northeast corner of the school, adjacent to the pool and other athletic facilities, will featured two courts, a weight room, wrestling room, two new locker rooms, two restrooms plus a family-type restroom and “some much-needed storage,” according to Supt. Corey Smith.

There will also be equipment for offseason support of athletics, such as batting cages.

“It is a multi-purpose building,” Smith said.

Four bids were opened on July 9, with Peterson submitting the low bid that also included several bid alternatives such as pool renovations and an overhaul and expansion of the Central Elementary parking lot for a total cost of $9,867,500.

“A significant part of that is renovating the pool,” Smith said. “We’re doing it to avoid an interruption of the swim season itself, so we’ll do it in two parts.”

As for the Central parking renovations, they will not only serve the elementary school and its events, but also provide additional parking for outdoor activities such as football.

The bid had been reviewed and approved by architect Fanning Howey, construction manager MKS and adviser Brandon Penrod.

Speaking with the board via videoconference, Penrod said that some projections had the project going “well into eight figures,” therefore getting a bid with alternatives under $10 million was “pretty incredible.”

With such assurance, the board accepted the bid unanimously.

Smith said construction is expected to start Aug. 15 with some inside demolition beginning on Aug. 20.

With work continuing through the 2024-25 school year, the project is expected to be complete by July 2025.

In terms of projects already under way, Smith said the football field project, which includes the installation of field turf, “is 99 percent complete. It is playable now.”

Some matters remain in terms of installing game clocks and other additions.

He said the track will be complete by the end of the month, while lighting is set for installation on the football, softball and baseball fields, marking the first time the baseball and softball fields have had lights.

The new sound system on the football field will also be installed later in July.

“The fields in that complex will have a new look, a new feel to it and now a new sound,” Smith said.

Among other facility upgrades, there will be roof work completed in four major sections, including work on the flat areas of Central Elementary set for work on Wednesday, with work on the high school set to begin soon.

Smith added that with money saved on the fieldhouse bid, two additional major sections of roofing were added — over the gym and over the pool.

In other business:

• The board approved student handbooks for the elementary schools and the middle/high school, as well as those for athletes and employees.

Among the notable changes, Principal Joanna Muncie spoke to Central Elementary adjusting its times to align with the other buildings. With the school day now from 7:45 a.m.-3:15 p.m., students will go to classrooms at 8 a.m. instead of 8:20 a.m. to better accommodate their needs.

“On paper, it looks great,” Muncie said. “We’re all on the same page.”

Meanwhile, Principal Tona Gardner spoke to updates on attendance expectations and changes regarding South Putnam’s SRO and cellphone use, as well as allowing students to use their own bags to carry their Chromebooks at the high school.

Pertaining to students and athletes at the middle/high school, Gardner also noted a cessation program with Cummins Behavioral Health being outlined. Having counseling, education, community service and sobriety components, she said that voluntary participation will allow students to return to the classroom or athletics sooner.

“Thank you all for your hard work on those,” Board President Lisa Cooper commented before the approval.

• With Smith noting that it was the culmination of several months of “due diligence,” the board approved an updated outline of classified employees’ benefits and compensation. Joseph Roach abstained due to a conflict of interest.

The next regular meeting of the South Putnam School Board is set for Wednesday, Aug. 16 at 6 p.m. in the South Putnam MS/HS Learning Center.

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  • *

    Imagine investing $9,000,000 in improving academics and educational outcomes for students. When did public schools become the vessel for tax payer funded recreational youth sports programs?

    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 3:10 AM
  • Parking- How many parking spaces will be lost to this “field house”? Two additional gyms?? Does each coach now demand a separate court for their class?

    Parking is at a premium now with athletic events.

    The stage in the cafeteria has been out-of-date for more than 30-40 years. No mention of anything new for the arts.

    -- Posted by Lookout on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 2:44 PM
  • And not a dime spent on much needed pool upgrades.

    -- Posted by swimmermom61 on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 6:50 AM
  • Field house will be great! All middle school thru high school teams will now be able to practice after school instead having to come back late in the evening during winter season plus the MUCH NEEDED added gyms for the entire district to utilize. Wrestling will finally have an on site area to practice instead of having to leave school and rent space somewhere else. Pool is getting work done quote, “A significant part of that is renovating the pool,” Smith said. “We’re doing it to avoid an interruption of the swim season itself, so we’ll do it in two parts.” Looking forward to great things coming to South Putnam!

    -- Posted by PutnamCountyMan on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 2:25 PM
  • While I want to agree with Mayor Humdinger, I just can’t. Yes, we send our kids to school in marble palaces to receive an inferior education. Yes, we spend far too much on athletics. The problem is, we also spend far too much on education and it hasn’t helped. The US is top 5 in the world for per pupil spending, and bottom half in results. The problem isn’t money, so let’s stop throwing money at it.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 4:58 PM
  • Swimmermom61 - -

    "Four bids were opened on July 9, with Peterson submitting the low bid that also included several bid alternatives such as pool renovations and an overhaul and expansion of the Central Elementary parking lot for a total cost of $9,867,500."

    “A significant part of that is renovating the pool,” Smith said. “We’re doing it to avoid an interruption of the swim season itself, so we’ll do it in two parts.”

    -- Posted by bannerfan on Mon, Jul 22, 2024, at 10:29 AM
  • Anything being spent on the fine arts programs ??

    -- Posted by Falcon9 on Mon, Jul 22, 2024, at 4:40 PM
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