Waterline project discussion boils over to Board of Works

Thursday, July 18, 2024
Neck deep in a hole in the middle of Washington Street, construction workers progress on completing a “tie over” onto Locust Street as part of the waterline portion of the ongoing U.S. 231 reconstruction project through the center of Greencastle.
Banner Graphic/ERIC BERNSEE

Discussion of the waterline portion of the Washington Street/U.S. 231 reconstruction project dominated the July meeting of the Greencastle Board of Public Works Wednesday afternoon.

Less than a week after the City Council confronted angry business owners and residents about an unannounced disruption of water service that left some shops high and dry as communication efforts fell short of appeasing those affected most, the discussion moved to the Board of Works.

Wednesday afternoon, Mayor Lynda Dunbar updated the Board of Works on the issue, which is coming to an end with waterline work expected to finish up Friday with a “tie over” at Locust and Washington Street. A crew from Rieth Riley Construction was in that area Wednesday afternoon with workers ensconced neck deep in a hole in the middle of Washington Street.

As the work continues Friday (today), water service was expected to be turned off along Locust Street, south of Washington down to Anderson Street, the mayor said.

“One of the problems we had,” Dunbar advised fellow board member Thom Morris with Trudy Selvia absent, “is some of our valves do not work downtown. We went to turn them off and we couldn’t turn the water off.”

Veteran Water Department supervisor Ed Phillips piped in with “some of those valves are over 125 years old.”

The valves are located in pits or vertical metal tubes, not just buried underground.

Mayor Dunbar noted that the city is looking to put new valves in “anywhere that’s torn up” to keep from repeating the problem.

Meanwhile, Morris suggested targeting the downtown and the businesses therein as a priority for the new valves “so we don’t have an issue there again.”

The mayor offered the idea that the valves might be put in different locations than in the street to make access easier.

Regardless, Morris reasoned, “it‘s going to be fixed and it’s going to cost money.”

“It’s going to mean increased water rates,” Mayor Dunbar interjected. “Valves are not cheap.”

She said the valve issue needs to be addressed quickly and should be part of upcoming budget discussions.

“We need to see if we can prevent this from happening in future years,” the mayor added. “At least if we have a water leak on a side street, we won’t have to shut off half the downtown.”

“This popped up because the street was torn up,” Morris said. “We need to figure out where all of them (the valves) are so we get an accurate count.”

Utilities Superintendent Oscar King Jr. said his crews have tried to do that but locating the valves has been difficult. “We couldn’t tell for sure,” he admitted.

“That’s not very comforting, Oscar,” Morris smiled as the discussion waned.

In another water-related issue, representatives from the Town of Fillmore requested a sewer leak adjustment (sewage bills are based on water consumption) for the months of June ($31,034) and July ($25,407). Fillmore typically pays a monthly charge of $12,000 for sewage.

The town has been having a flow issue with some pumps and dealing with infiltration as well, Monica Bray of the Fillmore clerk’s office and Town Board member Meredith Trusty explained.

“We’ve done a lot of things with wastewater to tighten things up and make sure we’re not overspending,” Bray said.

Mayor Dunbar suggested Fillmore pay $10,000 for June and July bills and then go by an average of the next three months to get back on track. “If we end up with some huge reduction,” Dunbar said, “we’ll probably credit it back.”

That resolution pleased Bray and Trusty with Fillmore initially facing more than $56,000 in sewer bills for June and July alone.

After that agreement was passed unanimously, Bray said she would like to revisit the town’s more than 30-year-old contract for wastewater treatment with the City of Greencastle.

City Attorney Laurie Hardwick suggested that a committee be formed to look at the matter in the next few months.

In other business, the Board of Works:

• Agreed to the purchase of a Bobcat for the Wastewater Department at the government purchase price of $66,602.69 from Bobcat of Indy at Whitestown. It carries a 48-month warranty. King explained that the department had been using an old tractor in lieu of a Bobcat but that equipment has broken down, necessitating this move.

• Approved the hiring of Jackson Winn as the city’s newest firefighter, pending the retirement of Kenny Shepherd on July 27. The board also endorsed the selection by the Board of Captains and Chief Rob Frank of Darrick Wiatt as captain on second shift, succeeding Shepherd. Frank will return next month with a candidate for lieutenant succeeding Wiatt.

• Approved a sewer leak adjustment for Greencastle Acres, 800 N. Madison St., in the amount of $842.24 for a period bridging the February and March bills.

• Approved an emergency repair at 1134 Houck Rd. for a six-inch water main break.

The Board of Works will next meet in regular session at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21 at City Hall.

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  • This is a great example of what happens when infrastructure investment is a can that gets kicked down the road. In the case of the valves, apparently for over a century. Nobody should be surprised. But everyone apparently is. Go figure.

    -- Posted by Koios on Thu, Jul 18, 2024, at 9:28 PM
  • Koios,

    Put this on a national scale as we have hit an age where things will wear out.

    Has to be done. Will be a mess and no money to pay for it.

    Tough situation but we can persevere with non kick the can leadership.

    -- Posted by beg on Thu, Jul 18, 2024, at 11:27 PM
  • Ironic how easy it was for Dunbar to tell us that our water bills will be increasing soon. Now watch as all the typical know-nothing republican commenters stay silent about it.

    -- Posted by Raker on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 12:29 AM
  • Does the city not have a preventative plan in place for these kind of things? Seems the previous superintendents are the ones who failed us. I have called other towns and they all say they have a maintenance order yearly and a set aside budget for the valves and hydrants that go bad. Most small towns (Cloverdale, Fillmore, Bainbridge) all said if “valves are exercised and replaced on a regular basis” then there shouldn’t be a massive amount at one time. Where is the money that our previous superintendents set aside? Surely they didn’t think it wasn’t their problem? Now my simple water bill will go from $120 a month to $200 for your inability to plan ahead.

    -- Posted by fedUPtaxpayer2 on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 1:02 AM
  • *

    I appreciate the photojournalism elements of this article. The photo showing three construction workers standing around doing nothing appropriately represents the quality of the work being performed.

    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 3:19 AM
  • Sound like the City of Greencastle must have spent or transferred all money collected through the Water/Sewage dept. They should have been putting aside an account to maintain the water structure.

    -- Posted by MM1927 on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 9:58 AM
  • You'd think a republican mayor would explore all the options for handling the problem before blurting out " Welp, we've gotta raise the water bill..." isn't government spending the main thing these guys are always whining about?

    -- Posted by Raker on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 10:48 AM
  • *


    Greencastle believes in trickle down economics and bottom up subsidies. The largest property owner in Greencastle is exempt from property taxes while being one of the largest drains on infrastructure and resources. The citizens have to pick up the bill for everything while endowments grow and tax abatements are given to profitable billion corporations and real estate investors. Maybe we can write enough parking tickets on the square after we bankrupt every business in a 10 block radius to help pay for this project after it’s done.

    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 5:00 PM
  • *

    We get it, Raker: Republicans gave you swirlies in the locker room toilet. Get over it. If anything's worth whining about with this mess, it's the fact that Mayor Dunbar is being forced to react to a situation that the prior 36 years-long democrat incumbencies failed to prevent as evidenced by the simple fact that the current superintendent (and his staff) are having problems locating valves... The least that could've been done was maintaining utility maps or locates. But as someone who hates modern-day democrats, I'm not even blaming them for any of this. Why? Because I'm not stupid enough to expect things like this not to happen sometimes with towns as large (and old) as Greencastle, regardless of who's at any helms. The years in which multiple layers of infrastructure have been stacked on would be overwhelming for anyone to deal with, especially considering how expensive things are anymore. And by-the-way, many utility elements rarely need replacing, which is why many never enjoy maintenance plans like those some on here believe Greencastle should be managed with. We're talking hundreds of years-old pipes, valves, whatever. It's pretty common, actually, and it's hard to form maintenance plans around things like that knowing their shelf life is as long as it usually is amid other priorities, deficient staffing levels, antiquated documentation, code minimums, property stipulations, etc.

    Also, if the attorney wants to form a subcommittee for anything, it should be to look at ways to make DePauw carry more weight in town. Their entire campus looks like some kind of fairy tale courtyard you'd expect to see in a Disney cartoon. Don't tell me they can't be held (more) accountable to at least soften any blows the residents might expect from new water bills, especially given their appropriations and where the work is being done in proximity to campus. They use the streets, they use the utilities... Time to re-balance the scales.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 6:36 PM
  • Doug, your thoughtful and reasonable response will have little sway with an ideologue. But you are spot-on--inertia is a powerful force.

    -- Posted by Bob Fensterheim on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 6:46 PM
  • Mayor Dunbar: These valves are expensive,my first idea to pay for them is to raise everyone's water bill.

    Douglas Quaid: I think Depauw should pay for them because, well, I just think they should...

    Republican genius at work

    -- Posted by Raker on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 10:42 PM
  • SSLLC Genius- nobody pay for them!!!!!

    and then forgive whomever the debt falls on!!!!!

    I love it!!!

    Thank you for reminding me the genius of the SSLCL economic theory!

    I do wonder if any of our founding individuals had a thought to the right of the SSLCL theology when deciding to fight against a government? If so, how evil of them to consider rebelling! Awful. Just Awful!!!

    -- Posted by beg on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 11:12 PM
  • *

    Raker, right, because THAT'S what I really meant and not the possibility that tax laws could either be bent or modified entirely by way of lobbies, state requests, or out-of-towner levies; new ordinances used to convert visitation into city facilitation money, the forming of new partnerships between the city and university, or even city-wide fines designed strictly for patrons without specific forms of residence but leveraged for facilitating infrastructural upgrades said populations rely on during their time in the city...

    More ways exist to get a university to be a team player than many realize, but to get that ball rolling, the city needs leadership who isn't afraid to push with attorneys who do more than make little groups that never do much beyond forming committees.

    Okay, now it's your turn to pucker more lip over republican bullies.

    -- Posted by DouglasQuaid on Fri, Jul 19, 2024, at 11:17 PM
  • Not to change the subject....but does anyone else think Shadowlawn is worse than before? It's like they filled the holes in with loose cheap gravel.

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Sat, Jul 20, 2024, at 4:58 PM
  • Raker,

    Once you come to full understanding of the definition of government spending, you will realize that both major parties do the same thing- over spend.

    -- Posted by beg on Sat, Jul 20, 2024, at 10:56 PM
  • @Raker: I’m not a republican, but I consider myself an actual conservative. In my opinion, taxes should primarily benefit those who pay them, and whoever uses public services should be the main people who pay for those services. If water costs more to deliver, then water customers should either pay for that or not receive the water. I shouldn’t pay taxes for water I don’t receive. There’s no conflict here between higher rates and conservative values.

    If they want to raise my water rates to pay for your gender affirming healthcare, then that’s an issue.

    On the subject of the hypocrisy of either party, you’ll get no argument from me though.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 12:21 PM
  • One thing both parties DON'T do is lie through their teeth every second of the day, that's the definition of a republican. Please explain how paying to fix infrastructure is overspending? Or maybe just an example of what you consider government "overspending".

    -- Posted by Raker on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 12:28 PM
  • Techphcy you're argument is tired and old. "Why do I have to pay taxes for this or that, I don't use it! I don't have kids in school, I don't use that road, I don't need food or housing assistance" an on and on...

    -- Posted by Raker on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 12:41 PM
  • Paying taxes for education benefits everyone. Paying taxes for roads benefits everyone. Paying extra taxes for someone else’s water does not. You’re assigning an argument to me that I did not make. I don’t know who you’re actually angry at, but it’s making you irrational.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 4:53 PM
  • The idea that you accept paying taxes for schools and roads you don't use, but draw a line when comes to water or healthcare you also don't use... now that's irrational!

    -- Posted by Raker on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 7:12 PM
  • Come on everyone, let's focus.

    Albin Pond Road...

    We're literally working on every road in Greencastle but the one that's falling down.


    -- Posted by Youseriousclark? on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 9:17 PM
  • I don't ever drive on Albin Pond road, so maintaining it isn't my responsibility. I don't want to pay taxes for something I don't use. There's also a few people who live on Albin Pond (that I won't name) whose lifestyle I don't agree with, and I don't want to see my tax dollars going towards anything that will help them. If you want it fixed, I'd recommend getting some estimates and starting a Gofundme.

    -- Posted by Raker on Sun, Jul 21, 2024, at 10:20 PM
  • For once I'll agree with Queen53. That Shadowlawn-Locust intersection has been torn up for months. Our esteemed Street Department is within a weak stone-throw and they apparently are OK with it. Too busy repaving Moore Court, another of the low traffic streets they seem to be obsessed with. Meanwhile, Albin Pond Road is a fatality waiting to happen. Mayor Dunbar, when are you going to to something?

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Mon, Jul 22, 2024, at 10:43 AM
  • Let's hear a plan and a timeline to have ALBIN POND ROAD upgraded and made safe once and for all!

    -- Posted by gustave&zelma on Mon, Jul 22, 2024, at 10:52 AM
  • Raker wrote, "There's also a few people who live on Albin Pond (that I won't name) whose lifestyle I don't agree with, and I don't want to see my tax dollars going towards anything that will help them."

    Anyone for a good conspiracy?

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Mon, Jul 22, 2024, at 1:42 PM
  • Prince, I'll give you a hint- their names rhyme with DeliriousBark? and Lynn Drover. There's another person but I'm having trouble finding words that rhyme with their name.

    -- Posted by Raker on Tue, Jul 23, 2024, at 12:32 PM
  • There are few other compliments one can receive on this innane thread than to read that Raker doesn't agree with one's lifestyle.

    -- Posted by Youseriousclark? on Tue, Jul 23, 2024, at 2:41 PM
  • I think that can wrap it up. We’ve all come to an agreement that Raker’s opinion actually does matter for once.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Tue, Jul 23, 2024, at 8:19 PM
  • Added to the list of people I don't want to support with my tax dollars: Anyone with a Trump flag or Trump yard sign, and anyone who watches Fox News or listens to conservative talk radio/podcasts. Basically, the worst of the worst. The most hate-filled people out there. I would 1,000x rather live in a neighborhood filled with nothing but black Americans and immigrants from from all over the world and be the only white guy, than live next door to a single Fox News watcher...

    -- Posted by Raker on Wed, Jul 24, 2024, at 12:32 AM
  • You can move.

    -- Posted by Youseriousclark? on Wed, Jul 24, 2024, at 5:33 AM
  • RAKER wrote, "Added to the list of people I don't want to support with my tax dollars: Anyone with a Trump flag or Trump yard sign, and anyone who watches Fox News or listens to conservative talk radio/podcasts. Basically, the worst of the worst."

    I can't stop laughing! My tiny wife of nearly 50 years loves FOX News. Wait until I share your comment and inform her that she is, basically, the worst of the worst.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Wed, Jul 24, 2024, at 6:38 AM
  • There's need for me to move... for one, I don't currently have that problem. And if I did, pretty sure they would be older than dirt and I could just wait, you know what I mean? I feel sorry for the Fox News cult followers.

    People are talking about how we are entering a generational shift, and how so many things are changing that felt unchangeable. A famous philosopher who was describing this new period of enlightenment once said that when the moon is in the Seventh House,

    and Jupiter aligns with Mars,

    then peace will guide the planets

    And love will steer the stars

    This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius

    The Age of Aquarius

    Aquarius! Aquarius!

    Harmony and understanding

    Sympathy and trust abounding

    No more falsehoods or derisions

    Golden living dreams of visions

    Mystic crystal revelation

    And the mind's true liberation

    Aquarius! Aquarius!

    But seriously, Kamala Harris is going to be our new president in 6 months, and every state surrounding Indiana is turning blue, so it's just a matter of time. Have a great day!

    -- Posted by Raker on Wed, Jul 24, 2024, at 5:48 PM
  • Hippies...smh...

    -- Posted by Youseriousclark? on Thu, Jul 25, 2024, at 5:55 AM
  • It looks like the hippies got it right!

    -- Posted by Raker on Thu, Jul 25, 2024, at 9:44 AM
  • RAKER, it's hard to see you as a hippie through your comments: an anarchist, maybe, but more of the garden variety.

    I'm very familiar with the music from which you took the quotes. The same group also sang UP, UP, and AWAY, which sort of led me into hot air ballooning many years ago. So, in a way, we both have been inspired by hot air, although on diverging paths.

    I do enjoy your comments/rants and find them entertaining. Don't stop.

    -- Posted by Prince of Stardust Hills on Thu, Jul 25, 2024, at 12:51 PM
  • Angry basement dweller is what I imagine. At least the actual hippies were properly socialized.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Thu, Jul 25, 2024, at 1:00 PM
  • I wish I could dwell in the basement all day! I'm currently working outside until sundown every day, doing some honest blue collar work. But I'm making bank, so it's all good. I'm definitely not a hippie, nothing against them.

    -- Posted by Raker on Thu, Jul 25, 2024, at 3:14 PM
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