Councilman announces City Council Office Hours lunch series

Friday, July 26, 2024
Councilman Vincent Aguirre

Greencastle City Council Member Vincent Aguirre has announced a new series of City Council Office Hours sessions, inviting residents to join for informal lunch sessions to discuss community matters.

These gatherings, open to all, will provide an opportunity for residents of Greencastle, particularly those from the Fourth Ward, to share their ideas, concerns and thoughts on city governance in a relaxed setting.

The lunch sessions will alternate between two local favorites in the Fourth Ward:

Wally’s, 727 Main St.
Thursday, Aug. 8
Thursday, Oct. 17
Thursday, Dec. 19

Pizza King, 400 Bloomington St.
Thursday, Sept. 19
Thursday, Nov. 21

All sessions are set for 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

These lunches offer a unique chance for residents to engage directly with their City Council representative in a casual environment, fostering open dialogue and community connection. All attendees are responsible for their own lunch.

Aguirre encourages all who are interested to attend, share their perspectives and enjoy a meal together. You can learn more and RSVP at

More information will also be available on Councilman Aguirre’s newsletter found at

For more information, contact Vincent Aguirre at or 765-276-8072.

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  • This is great; makes me wish Councilman Aguirre was my government representative.

    -- Posted by techphcy on Fri, Jul 26, 2024, at 10:27 PM
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    Come see me! I'll do what I can and we can enjoy some good food.

    -- Posted by Vincent Aguirre on Sat, Jul 27, 2024, at 7:20 AM
  • Vincent seems to be the only councilman who responds to comments in the Banner. Thanks for listening.

    -- Posted by Ben Dover on Mon, Jul 29, 2024, at 11:42 AM
  • *

    Thanks for giving feedback, Ben!

    -- Posted by Vincent Aguirre on Mon, Jul 29, 2024, at 1:32 PM
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