Residents urged to complete comprehensive plan survey

Monday, August 19, 2024

Greencastle residents and anyone living in the area are being urged to complete the City of Greencastle comprehensive plan survey.

A QR code is provided to simplify completion of the 24-question survey.

“We’re encouraging everybody who lives in Greencastle or near Greencastle to take the survey,” Mayor Lynda Dunbar said during the August City Council session.

Back in May, the Board of Works agreed to a contract with American Structurepoint, Indianapolis, for updating the city’s comprehensive plan and unified development ordinance at a cost of $189,660.

As part of that, a survey has been put in place concerning the comprehensive plan, a policy-guiding document outlining Greencastle’s community goals and objectives for the next 10-20 years. Officials suggest that it only takes 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

Citizens are asked to answer a number of questions to let American Structurepoint experts know how they see their community, how they feel it is doing currently and what the city should be pursuing in the future.

Among the questions, residents are asked to assess Greencastle’s top assets and can pick up to five from among quality of life, education system, solid employment base, support for local businesses, small-town charm, supply and affordability of housing, location relative to Indianapolis, public health, community brand and park facilities and programming.

Respondents are also asked to pinpoint Greencastle’s top challenges, Greencastle’s top three amenities, favorite thing about living in Greencastle, feelings about the city growing, future policies for neighborhoods and one thing they would change about the town among other survey questions and comments.

All data and responses will remain anonymous. Respondents are asked to share the survey with friends and neighbors.

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  • ok all, here is your chance. If you are silent, please stay silent on the backside of this.

    if you aren't and the results are different than your perspective, please defend your perspective but accept the results.

    -- Posted by beg on Wed, Aug 21, 2024, at 10:58 PM
  • So is there a way to take the survey without a smartphone?

    -- Posted by anotherPointer on Thu, Aug 22, 2024, at 4:44 PM
  • Agreed, there should be multiple options/possibilities to complete the survey. Below the QR code is the webpage: Other than entering that into your computer (public computer at the library), I do not see a PDF version. A PDF that could be printed and shared could reach MANY more residents who would have a 'chance' to respond... unless the survey is only for those "connected"; the rest must 'stay silent' and be disenfranchised. A resident can chose not to patronize a business and deal with a kiosk instead of a person; but a 'comprehensive' survey where participation is encouraged should offer multiple ways to complete that survey. Similar to voting...

    -- Posted by Hoosier Hiker on Fri, Aug 23, 2024, at 10:29 AM
  • I believe there are paper copies of the survey available at City Hall.

    -- Posted by gustave&zelma on Fri, Aug 23, 2024, at 5:34 PM
  • Paper copies of the survey are available at Putnam County Public Library. Ask at the Reference desk.

    -- Posted by bevaallmanmiller on Sun, Aug 25, 2024, at 4:27 PM
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