Former Putnam County deputy accused of sexual battery

Friday, August 23, 2024
Jeffery Freeman

BLOOMINGTON — A former Putnam County Sheriff’s Office deputy has been arrested on charges related to an allegation of sexual battery.

Jeffery L. Freeman Jr., 29, of Greencastle, was arrested Friday by detectives from the Indiana State Police Bloomington District for the following charges:

• Sexual Battery, a Level 4 felony

• Strangulation, a Level 6 felony

• Official misconduct, a Level 6 felony

• Obstruction of justice, a Level 6 felony

Though he lives in Greencastle, Freeman was most recently a probationary deputy for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office.

Detectives from the Indiana State Police initiated an investigation involving Freeman after the Bloomington Post received a report from the Columbus Police Department during the late hours of Tuesday. An initial report of sexual battery was made to CPD by a female victim from Bartholomew County.

Columbus Police forwarded information to the Bloomington District, and district detectives interviewed the victim on Thursday. Detectives notified Monroe County Sheriff Ruben Marte of the allegation involving Freeman.

Following an administrative review of the incident, Sheriff’s Office command staff learned of a second policy violation involving Freeman and another female subject. Bloomington District detectives are investigating this incident as well.

Freeman’s chronological employment history has been identified as the following:

• 2013-16 employed as jailer for the Putnam County Jail

• 2016-20 employed as a merit deputy for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office

• 2020-23 employed in the private sector

• January 2024 employed as jailer for Monroe County Jail

• March 2024 employed as a probationary deputy for Monroe County Sheriff’s Office

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is fully cooperating with the Indiana State Police’s investigation. Freeman was arrested without incident and transported to the Monroe County Jail, where he was booked. His custody was transferred from the Monroe County Jail to the Morgan County Jail, and his employment with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office was terminated on Friday.

Detectives request that anyone with questionable or inappropriate interactions and/or interactions that may have violated Indiana criminal code with Deputy Freeman contact the Bloomington Post at 812-332-4411.

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  • In the words of Robin Williams' movie, "This will not look good on a resumé!"

    -- Posted by Don Antonio on Sat, Aug 24, 2024, at 9:00 AM

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Sat, Aug 24, 2024, at 12:32 PM
  • Maybe I am just nosey but I cannot help but wonder why he left PCSD?

    -- Posted by anotherPointer on Sat, Aug 24, 2024, at 1:27 PM
  • Inquiring minds normal wa t to know things that isn't their business. I don’t know this man from Adam. But people in this county need to worry about things in their own house and fix this sissies before you try fixing someone else’s life or before you go telling a story that the news stations and newspapers run to make money! They don’t care who they just just like a lot of people in this county! Let the ISP, Bloomington and Monroe county do a thorough investigation before you start throwing rocks at glass houses. Sometimes this rock Ricochet’s and breaks one of your windows and then low. Behold you’ll be up sh** creek!

    Y’all **** me off and I’ll be like Sandra Bullock on hope floats and start airing all your dirty laundry!

    Oh look what time it is..time to mind you buzness bruh (as todays kids say.

    -- Posted by tinamah08 on Sat, Aug 24, 2024, at 11:34 PM
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