Lieber to host Booming Beach Bash Saturday evening

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

CLOVERDALE — To celebrate the end of the summer season, the Friends of Lieber State Recreation Area will host a Booming Beach Bash on Saturday, Aug. 31 with food, fun and fireworks.

The festivities will begin at 6 p.m. with games on the beach, food sales and a live DJ with great music. The evening will conclude with a fireworks display at dusk.

Everyone is invited to join in the fun. Regular park gate fees apply. All the activities will be on the beach of Cagles Mill Lake, inside Lieber SRA.

The Friends of Lieber SRA want to thank Sweet Owen Convention and Visitors Bureau, The Dry Docks at Cataract Lake and Scorpion Protective Coating Inc. for their lead contributions to the fireworks display. Without the support of these businesses and other contributors, this event would not be possible.

As area residents frequent these businesses in the community, they are asked to express their appreciation for their support and involvement in this community-wide event.

The Friends of Lieber is a nonprofit organization that seeks to enhance the experience of everyone who visit Lieber State Recreation Area.

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  • *

    Sounds like a fiesta.

    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Fri, Aug 30, 2024, at 1:09 AM
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