Isaiah 117 House to host golf tournament Sept. 28 for Putnam County facility

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Area golfers will have the chance to hit the links for kids in their time of need.

Isaiah 117 House, a Tennessee-based organization that cares for children awaiting foster placement, will soon be hosting their annual golf tournament to benefit the Putnam County house.

On Saturday, Sept. 28, the nonprofit will host its tournament at Tiger Pointe Golf Club. The event will include lunch from Don Julio’s Mexican Restaurant and will have several opportunities to win prizes.

Additionally, every participant will receive free Titleist logo gear (a sleeve of golf balls and a golf towel) as part of their entry fee.

Morning Flight: Registration begins at 8 a.m.; Shotgun start at 9 a.m.

Silent Auction: 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Lunch Served: 1-3 p.m.

Afternoon Flight: Registration begins at 1 p.m.; Shotgun start at 2 p.m.

The event also has five sponsorship levels available – Title, Advocate, Partner, Team and Hole sponsorships. Each sponsorship level includes marketing benefits, and some include the benefit of multiple teams in the event.

To register a team or become a sponsor, visit and choose Putnam County. For more information, visit or contact Adele Sprinkles at 317-946-6327 or

Isaiah 117 House is a nonprofit organization that provides physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting foster care placement. Currently, when a child is removed in a county without an Isaiah 117 House, the child must wait in the child welfare services office. The child is often dirty, hungry, tired, scared and unable to bring any personal possessions. Isaiah 117 House allows for that same child to never go to an office, but rather a home with loving volunteers to care for them.

Isaiah 117 House provides for that child’s needs, whatever they may be, in these critical moments between removal and placement. Isaiah 117 House has locations in Tennessee, Indiana, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. To learn more about Isaiah 117 House, visit

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  • *

    Good proposed mission but it seems to be mostly about fundraising, fundraising, and more fundraising.

    2023 Fun facts: (Entire organization)

    $17,236,387 in contributions

    $6,541,409 spent on program services

    $579,618 spent on management

    $1,159,237 spent on fundraising

    The organization also holds over $27,000,000 in assets.

    Finish building the house in Putnam County and then come back to us to help you succeed in your stated mission.

    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Sat, Sep 7, 2024, at 2:24 AM
  • Are these legit stats based on real context or stats to try and shape opinion outside of the context?

    -- Posted by beg on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 9:19 PM
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