FEATURED SENIOR ATHLETE: Luke Hutcheson, South Putnam

Friday, September 6, 2024
Luke Hutcheson
Banner Graphic/TRENT SCOTT

Luke is a senior at South Putnam and participates in three sports, tennis, swimming and track with the possibility of golf in the spring. He is the son of Jon and Hollie Hutcheson.


Banner Graphic: How important are sports to you, and what have you learned from them?

Luke Hutcheson: :”Sports are important because they build character. They require a lot of discipline and a lot of work ethic. It’s important to be on time and at all of the practices.”

BG: Talk about your sports.

LH: “I’ve played tennis and swam four years and track for three years. I also plan on playing golf this spring.”

BG: What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in sports?

LH: “I fell off the block at a swim meet before the alarm went. I tried to time things perfectly, missed, tried to stop and rolled off.”

BG: What does your game day routine look like?

LH: “I hit for about an hour, try to only eat healthy foods before a match and use the bathroom before the match begins.”

BG: Do you have any favorite college/pro sports teams or athletes you follow?

LH: “Caeleb Dressel is a swimmer who went to the Olympics this year.”

BG: About your freshman year, the numbers in the South Putnam boys’ tennis team began to fall off. You’ve had to play a few years with groups where the team match was already decided and had to focus more on your own individual play. How has it been with a full squad this year?

LH: “It’s nice to have a full team because there are a lot of people to be able to interact with and build bonds with. It’s a bit easier having five courts than can win rather than everyone having to win to win a match.”

BG: What else do you do at school besides things involving sports?

LH: “I don’t do any activities for the school other than sports. I do internship during school.”

BG: What do you like to do outside of school and sports?

LH: “I’ll be a 10-year 4-H member next year. I beekeep with my grandmother and like to surf behind a boat at Dale Hollow.”

BG: What was the last book you read?

LH: “‘Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief.’”

BG: ...the last television show/movie you watched?

LH: “I’m watched a movie that was about Jessie Owens going to the Olympics in the 1930s called ‘Race.’”

BG: ...the last song you had to listen to right that moment?

LH: “‘Everyday’ by A$AP Rocky.”

BG: Your practice/event was canceled for the night. With free time in hand you didn’t anticipate having, what are you off to go do?

LH: “I’d go golfing with my two best friends.”

BG: What is something you have never done before that you would like to do someday?

LH: “Skydiving. Or bungee cord jumping.”

BG: What is your biggest fear?

LH: “Snakes.”

BG: You’ve been placed in charge of making dinner. What’s on the menu?

LH: “I’d probably cook up a steak and some mashed potatoes.”

BG: Do you have any pets?

LH: “I have three dogs, Roxy, Emmy and Lucy.”

BG: If your house were on fire, all living things were already out and you have your keys, cell phone, wallet/purse etc., what is one thing you would go back and get?

LH: “My treasure chest that’s full of money.”

BG: A family member has hit the lottery. After everything is paid off and money is set away for the future, you’ve been asked to buy something you have always wanted to get. What are you asking for?

LH: “A lot of property where I’d put a race track in. I’d get a bunch of Ford Rangers to drive around and race my friends in.”

BG: If you were to describe your personality in one word, what would that word be and why?

LH: “Funny. I tend to make my friends and family laugh quite often.”

BG: What has been your favorite place to visit?

LH: “Honduras. It was a while ago. We went on a cruise. The water was clear and we got to scuba dive there.”

BG: What was your favorite school field trip? (From any year, not just high school)

LH: “The Indians game. I feel a lot of our field trips got canceled.”

BG: How important is support from those around you to your success?

LH: “It’s important. My parents told me I should do a lot of sports and be active. I didn’t do any in middle school but when I got to high school, I ended up picking up three.”

BG: Describe your overall school experience both academically and athletically.

LH: “It’s been pretty good. Freshman year, sports were a little rough as we were pretty young in all three teams. Sophomore year things picked up in swimming as we won county and conference. I’ve maintained a pretty good GPA in the classroom, so It’s been pretty good overall.”

BG: If your school was to offer a class it currently doesn’t, what would you want to see taught?

LH: “Either a welding class, more than Ag Powers, or another language like German.”

BG: What are your plans for after high school, and what career are you headed toward?

LH: “I think I’m going to go to college to get a degree in business or aviation. I’ll either take over my parents’ business or become a commercial pilot.”

BG: Is it difficult to keep up with your school work being an athlete?

LH: “Not really. I’m not in any of the hard AP classes, so it’s not too bad. I also have Sunday if I need to fall back on it.”

BG: Which particular classes and teachers have helped you the most in high school?

LH: “Mrs. Henry has been a great teacher. A lot of her kids are in sports, so she helps athletes out a lot by not only teaching well but making work manageable. Mr. Frazier has allowed us to catch up if we fall behind on work.”

BG: In the future, once you’ve established yourself, and if you had your choice, what is your ideal living situation?

LH: “A nice house, with a nice bit of land and a nice boat to go out on the weekends on.”

BG: Do you think high school has gone fast, and are you going to miss it?

LH: “It did go by fast. Freshman and sophomore year you think you have so much time but by junior year, you realize you only have one more year after that. Then, it’s done. I’ll miss being able to do whatever I really want because I don’t have as many real life responsibilities, as well as going to play sports. I’ll miss it quite a bit.”

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