Baird: Local schools receive state funding boost for safety upgrades

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
State Rep. Beau Baird

Putnam County schools received more than $272,300 for safety upgrades through the state’s Secured School Safety Grant Program supported by State Rep. Beau Baird (R-Greencastle).

The funding is part of the state’s biennial budget passed in 2023, Baird said, which made significant investments in school safety. In all, 499 schools across Indiana’s 92 counties received $24 million total in state matching grants.

“School safety remains a top priority, and this funding will go a long way in helping local schools step up security in a variety of ways,” Baird said. “These grants provide vital support, from funding resource officers to upgrading technology, giving schools the flexibility they need to address their unique needs.”

Area schools receiving grants include:

• Cloverdale Community Schools, $40,500.

• Greencastle Community School Corp., $80,868.

• North Putnam Community Schools $81,000.

• South Putnam Community School Corp., $69,984.

Awarded funds can be used for a wide range of safety needs like support for resource officers, equipment and technology, active-event warning systems, threat assessments and student and parent support services programs. Indiana has allocated $187 million for school safety matching grants since the program started in 2013.

To learn more about the Secured School Safety Grant Program and what Indiana’s doing to keep schools safe, visit the state’s school safety hub at

State Rep. Baird represents House District 44, which includes all of Putnam County and a portion of Montgomery County.

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  • Are the Baird haters ok with this?

    -- Posted by beg on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 5:18 PM
  • It’s sad that we have to do this. But it’s reality, again, sadly.

    -- Posted by Koios on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 5:24 PM
  • Beyond sad.

    -- Posted by luna maximus on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 6:36 PM
  • So, no compliments for a Baird. Just a sad we have to. The reality of 60 years of the SSSLLC society

    -- Posted by beg on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 9:16 PM
  • Gee, he “supported” the bill. How much credit does he want?

    -- Posted by Koios on Tue, Sep 10, 2024, at 9:32 PM
  • *

    Imagine if we spent the amount of money we spent on things like artificial turf to address school safety, student mental health, and intervention/prevention. How many school resource officers does Greencastle have again?

    Beau Beard haters? What did he do to curdle someone’s milk utters? He didn’t try to hold a partisan pretzel party under the guise of unity did he? Frankly, isn’t this guy just buying his time to segue (perhaps even Segway) into his dad’s congressional seat when he steps down? D-44 representatives have always been rather inconsequential to most things day to day. I think most of them clock enough days to get paid and to receive their license plate.

    -- Posted by Mayor Humdinger on Wed, Sep 11, 2024, at 2:47 AM
  • Not sure he was asking for any credit, that was beg's question, reasonably asked. He can have all the haters one wants, and they are most certainly out there, but winning with >70% of the vote or running unopposed proves their electoral insignificance. Now, when he starts holding partisan pretzel parties under the guise of unity...

    -- Posted by luna maximus on Wed, Sep 11, 2024, at 11:03 AM
  • lol. That is funny Luna.

    My point is that most can't accept when they agree with someone on the other side of the aisle.

    What does that show- partisanship more important than being able to say on this issue, we agree.

    Allows me to understand a person's position going forward.

    -- Posted by beg on Wed, Sep 11, 2024, at 10:43 PM
  • *

    "Baird hater" is rather strong. Simply not a fan of the Baird's. Anyways, Pops gets most of my contempt.

    As I was pondering my reply I wondered how we got to this place anyway.

    A coon's age ago school violence was two boys (usually) throwing punches. Now school shootings are a thing. (Although, they are like plane crashes statistically speaking.)

    Societal decay. What comes next ain't any better. Human nature marches through history unabated in an endless cycle. (Now there is a rabbit hole!)

    Fiscally, they could be spending our money on worse taxpayer supported businesses (i.e. professional sports teams and their venues.) And they do.

    At least this is for the children. (snicker)

    UniParty: Government creating solutions to problems they created.

    Of which Baird, as a flag-waiving Republican, is associated.

    -- Posted by dreadpirateroberts on Thu, Sep 12, 2024, at 9:19 PM
  • SSSLLC!!

    -- Posted by beg on Sun, Sep 15, 2024, at 11:46 PM
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