Mural artist panel set Tuesday

Monday, September 16, 2024

Are you excited about the murals popping up around Putnam County? Do you want to explore the stories behind the murals and learn about the artists?

Community members are invited to join the 2024 Putnam County Mural Festival artists for a panel discussion at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17 at the Peeler Art Center on the DePauw University campus. The event is free and open to the public.

Participants include all eight artists: Noé Barnett, Anthony Brooks, Emily Eldridge, Naomi Haverland, Angie Jerez, Matt Rees, Brooke Smart and Holly Sims. The panel will be moderated by Alexandra Chamberlain, Putnam County Mural Project co-founder. This year’s artists are based across the U.S. Many have worked internationally, and some have ties to Indiana and Putnam County.

“All of the artists we interact with have an interesting story to tell about their art, their process, and their excitement for the project,” Chamberlain said. “We hope the community takes this opportunity to welcome them to Putnam County, interact with them, and ask their own questions.”

The Putnam County Mural Project is an initiative of the Friends of the Park of Putnam County, an exempt, 501(c)(3) organization that supports outdoor recreation and nature-related projects in Putnam County.

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  • Who will be maintaining these paintings after 5-10 years?

    -- Posted by smartmom on Mon, Sep 16, 2024, at 12:46 PM
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