Jackson Reopens

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
With the traffic signals flashing red and temporary stop signs installed, southbound traffic on Jackson Street proceeds through the Washington Street intersection Wednesday afternoon. The area reopened to traffic earlier on Wednesday, with motorists now able to proceed directly down Jackson for the first time since April...

As part of the temporary setup until the Washington Street portion of U.S. 231 reopens, the intersection of Jackson and Franklin is a four-way stop, while Jackson Street has to stop in both directions at Washington, even as that street remains closed. There is no timetable on Washington reopening, as construction crews from Rieth-Riley continue to wait on Frontier to clear out lines from the right of way, work the communications company was supposed to have completed last year.
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  • I am wondering if a city official could explain why Frontier Communications is allowed to hold up this project. There may be a good reason, but to the everyday person who has to traverse road closures, it just doesn't make any sense. So, could someone explain to us why, or what is being done to "force" them to move their lines?

    -- Posted by Shoelace on Wed, Sep 18, 2024, at 3:21 PM
  • I agree with Shoelace. Since that section of Washington St is "state property" was there not some sort of agreement with Frontier that included a time frame? Does the state not have any rights such as Eminent Domain? How long are they going to keep Greencastle roads hostage? There are a lot of unanswered questions. I am not sure how much of the issue is City and how much is State? Some answers please.

    -- Posted by BITTLES & HURT on Thu, Sep 19, 2024, at 7:33 AM
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