You say tomato, I say tomato

Monday, September 23, 2024
Jeanna Anglin

Every summer I look forward to the outstanding flavor of home-grown Indiana tomatoes. There is an excitement that surrounds the first fruits of the season. When a plate of sliced garden tomatoes appears at a pitch-in dinner, all are delighted to eagerly sample this summertime favorite.

I love having a plant or two in my yard. There is something very special about the process of hands in the soil, watching the plant grow and reaping a delicious fruit that nourishes my body. Oh, and stepping out my door to gather food for a meal. This is my kind of convenience food.

You cannot find that home-grown flavor in a store-bought tomato. I’ve tried...

And here’s why, “Commercially grown tomatoes are harvested and transported while still green and immature. To make them red before selling, food companies spray them with artificial ethylene gas. This process inhibits the development of natural flavor and may result in tasteless tomatoes. Therefore, locally grown tomatoes may taste better because they’re allowed to ripen naturally,” according to

In addition to being delicious, tomatoes are quite nutritious. They provide fiber, potassium, folate and vitamin K. Tomatoes are also a great source of antioxidants, lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin C. These powerful antioxidants protect us against cellular damage.

It is easy to add these health benefits to your daily meals. Simply adding a slice of fresh tomato elevates the flavor and nutrition of any sandwich. Chopped tomatoes enhance green salad, cottage cheese and tacos. Sliced tomatoes are an excellent side dish with your favorite meat and potatoes menu.

Making simple recipes like fresh salsa, tomato and mozzarella salad and bruschetta offer so much nutrition. You get the health benefits of fresh tomatoes plus the health benefits of garlic or onion, lemon or lime, fresh herbs and olive oil. If you missed last month’s article about the benefits of olive oil, you can find it on my blog,

Bruschetta is a tomato topping for toasted garlic bread. I like it on salad, baked potato and scrambled eggs. This recipe provides the ingredients. You can adjust the quantity to suit your taste and serving size needed. Set at room temperature for 30 minutes for the flavors to mingle. It keeps several days in the fridge.

• Bruschetta

• Fresh Tomatoes – firm, Roma type, peeled and chopped, let drain

• Fresh Garlic – minced

• Fresh Basil – chopped

• Olive Oil – drizzle

• Fresh Lemon - drizzle juice

• Real Salt & Black Pepper

Tomatoes will continue to produce until the first frost. You can find them at the farmer’s market. Or perhaps you have a neighbor with an abundance. I have found that the folks in this community are very generous.

If you have at least six hours of sunlight in your yard or patio, you can grow a tomato. Next spring, plan on growing your own convenience food. And enjoy the outstanding flavor of home-grown Indiana tomatoes all season.

Jeanna Anglin is a health coach residing in Putnam County who supports individuals and small groups in making lifestyle changes to improve their health.

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