Fillmore third graders highlighted at school board meeting

Monday, September 23, 2024
Last year’s Fillmore Elementary third-graders were recognized Wednesday’s school board meeting for having a 100 percent passing rate on their I-READ3 standarized testing. The group will be recognized at the Statehouse for their acheivements.
Courtesy photo

Fillmore Elementary third-graders were the highlight of Wednesday’s South Putnam School Board monthly meeting.

It was announced during the meeting that 100 percent of the third-grade class had passed their I-READ3 (Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination) testing. I-READ, according to the Indiana Department of Education is a reading assessment designed to measure foundational reading skills based on Indiana Academic Standards. With being a school that scored 95 percent or better, the teachers have been invited to the statehouse next week to be recognized and honored for their scores. Third-grade teacher Annie Richmond made sure that she spoke very highly of her class for their achievement.

“It has been an honor to work with this group of diligent learners,” she said. “They have taken our goals as a school and made goals for themselves. They’ve surpassed each of those goals with grace and dignity. None of this would have been possible without the collective effort from everyone here at Fillmore. All have made a point to encourage our students to be the their best.”

Some of the third-graders were in attendance and received a round of applause and big congratulations from the school board who thanked them for their hard work in the classroom.

Also during the meeting the board heard from Doug Rambo who provided updates on some different projects including the new field house, pool, improvements to the lighting and public address systems at the football field.

“Everything is 100 percent functional with the lights and the PA system but we’re running into some small issues getting some brand name electrical equipment,” Rambo noted. “That should be resolved here shortly and with our PA system we should be getting our hands on that piece of equipment that we need. We’ll get that installed and it should really balance out the sounds and make the whole experience of being at that facility more exciting.”

Another item of note was the board approved the purchases of two new trip buses, two route buses and one additional small white bus. The trip buses will allow groups to utilize them for a more spacious and comfortable to wherever they may be traveling. It would be used for many different groups including athletic teams, field trips and the band.

In other business the board:

• Approved the consideration to publish notice of project hearing and preliminary determination hearings

• Approved the consideration of the resolution form of the second addendum to lease

• Re-approved the consideration of the resolution formation of building corporation

• Approved the consideration of the resolution to supplement to master continuing disclosure undertaking

• Approved the consideration of over night/out-of-state trips

• Approved the consideration of Central Elementary library surplus

• Approved the consideration of Chromebook buy-back

• Approved the consideration of MOU with Putnam County Health Department for $1,000 grant to each county school

• Approved the consideration to terminate contract with EES Financials

• Approved the consideration to approve contract to with CS3

• Approved a number of personnel items

Resignations: Trent Thompson as SPHS softball assistant coach, Galen Gibson as SPMHS custodian, Elaine Bye as SPMS swim coach, Chuck Sorrell as spring weightlifting supervisor

Terminations: Brittany Booher as FES instructional assistant

New hires: Amy Justice and Mariah Fikes as custodians, Chuck Sorrell as varsity boys’ track coach, Ava McHugh as softball assistant coach, Parke Alexis Dickson as lifeguard

Transfers: Deidre Hayde from part-time instructional assistant to full time lead instructional assistant for second community PK, Melissa Jones from sub bus driver to full-time bus driver

Substitutes: Sam Nees, Brian Church, Judy Bundza, Mark Cox and Mackenzie Freeman

The next meeting of the South Putnam School Board is set for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9 at the media center of SPHS.

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