Library board to hire new IT company

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Putnam County Public Library will now be using an outside company for its IT needs and services.

With the retirement of Arlene Tincher, who served as the technology director for the past six years, the PCPL board voted at its monthly meeting on Wednesday to select AVC Technology as the company to oversee the IT part of the library.

“First and foremost we want to thank Arlene for her years of dedicated service to the library,” Library Director Matt McClelland said. “I reached out to 10 other libraries who use AVC and eight responded with glowing reviews.”

With the loss of Tincher, the Library also did agree on to promote a part-time employee from the current adult services area to full-time status.

“We’re going to expect multiple applicants and this will be an internal hire,” McClelland added. “I think this would provide more stability to the upstairs area as well knowing we’ll have a full-time dedicated person in that area. It would also be a great way to reward one of those part-time workers who have been with us for some time.”

The support of AVC got a motion from board member Dakota Lanham.

“This is a fantastic idea to go with AVC,” he said. “I believe this will be highly beneficial to us as a library and something that we need to do.”

The agreement between AVC and PCPL is a one-year contract.

In closing the discussion on the agreement with AVC, the board made sure to have one laugh as President Kayla Flegal stated “I think Arlene will be satisfied in knowing that it’s taking a full company to replace her.”

The board also received a facility assessment that was completed, with McClelland reporting that the report came back “very good and much better than expected.”

There are some older windows in the building that need be treated and/or replaced, along with two HVAC systems that need replacement.

Another project that was brought to the board’s attention was the potential renovation of the teen space area in which the plan is to expand the area.

As the board concluded business, board member Barbara Boese encouraged those in attendance to attend the upcoming Manhattan Short Film Festival that is coming to the library Sept. 26-28.

In other business, the board:

• Approved the 2025 budget of $1,384,311 which includes $50,000 of rainy day budget funds.

“That budget is no small task and takes months of hard work to put together,” Flegal praised treasurer Jane Hazelton.

• Approved the minutes from the Aug. 28 meeting.

• Approved claims and checks.

• Formed a three-person committee to review the PCPL by-laws which will be heard at the October meeting.

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