Tucker State Farm donates fire safety materials to Bainbridge Elementary

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
With State Farm Insurance promoting fire safety in local schools, members of Char Coffman’s first-grade class accept fire safety materials on behalf of Bainbridge Elementary School recently. Joining the students are (back, from left) Supt. Dustin LeMay, Coffman, Bainbridge Fire Department member Nathan DeLong, Principal Brandon Wagler, State Farm Insurance agent Brad Tucker and Lani Guerrettaz of State Farm.
Courtesy photo

BAINBRIDGE — Bainbridge Elementary School received a generous donation from State Farm Insurance recently. Local agent Brad Tucker provided the donation to support fire safety education at the school.

The donation includes an array of educational materials such as firefighter hats, stickers, posters, banners, plush dolls of Sparky the Fire Dog and coloring books with crayons.

These resources will be used to enhance the fire safety classes Bainbridge Fire Department provides for students.

The contribution will help equip students with essential fire safety knowledge in an engaging and interactive way, ensuring they are better prepared for emergency situations. The fire safety materials will play a vital role in making learning both fun and memorable for students.

North Putnam Schools extended a special thanks to Lani Guerrettaz from State Farm Insurance for her assistance in coordinating this effort and bringing these resources to Bainbridge Elementary.

“We are incredibly grateful to Brad Tucker, Lani Guerrettaz and the entire State Farm Insurance team for their generosity,” Bainbridge Elementary Principal Brandon Wagler said. “The safety of our students is a top priority, and these materials will go a long way in helping our teachers and the Bainbridge Fire Department educate our children about fire prevention and safety.”

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