Hamstra hired as NPHS Assistant Principal

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Katherine Hamstra

ROACHDALE - North Putnam High School now has its leadership team officially in place. At the regularly scheduled October school board meeting, the board approved Katherine Hamstra as the new assistant principal.

Hamstra will work alongside Amanda Williams, who was hired as the full-time NPHS principal at the September school board meeting. She moves into the position from North Putnam Middle School where she was a seventh-grade English teacher.

“Kat’s been doing a phenomenal job of supporting the high school while we’ve been short staffed at times,” Supt. Dustin LeMay said to the board. “She’s been here at North Putnam for eight years and you’ve probably seen her around helping at so many events. We’re just really excited for the opportunity to have her as part of our administrative team.”

After beginning the school year in a little bit of a flux, NPHS now has the team in place that administrators want, and the hiring of both Williams and Hamstra was done internally. It’s a process that LeMay is proud of and now looks to the future.

“Being able to solidify our team is a really big step forward for us,” LeMay added. “Getting Amanda was great, but that left a void at the assistant principal position and Kat we feel will be a great fit and be able to seamlessly transition into her new role. The fact that both of these hires have been internal shows that we have people here at North Putnam who are doing a fantastic job. It shows that we’re valuing what they’ve been doing and creates a great feeling here at North Putnam.”

In other business the board approved the following personnel items:

Resignations: Denver McMurtry as NPCSC Maintenance, Emilee Kendall as NPHS girls' basketball assistant coach and Carolyn Huffman as NPCSC part-time bus driver.

Retirements: Barbara Schultz as NPCSC bus driver.

New Hires: Jessica Snider as Bainbridge Elementary Instructional Assistant, Erica Fields as NPCSC bus driver, Rexanne Fuchs as NPHS gymnastics head coach, Sam Smith as NPHS boys' basketball assistant coach and Zachary Huff as NPHS boys basketball assistant coach.

Extra Curricular Activities: Seth Ariens, Kyle Morgan, Nate Skirvin, Ed Sheldon, Brandt Sheldon, Kristy Staziscar, Denise Oxford, Devin Oxford, Kevin and Anna Ariens, Jeff and Char Coffman, Sarah Correll, Walter Colvin, Stephanie Crill, Amanda Line, Cameron Frazier, Helen Eaglin, Paul and Jenny Hodgen, Adam Nicodemus, Andy and Mindy Thomas, Josh and Tricia Abdon, Jeff and Jennifer Simonson, Lisa Oliver, Zach and Amanda Williams, Megan Davis, Jayden Simpson, Handley Everman, Sydney Moore, Dave Berry, Kyle and Stephanie Alcorn, Ray and Heather Poynter, Jonathan and Ashley Poynter, Jason and Alyssa Chew, Jessica Neild and Rodney and Jackie Simpson as FFA Volunteers.

Mentor Teachers: Denise Davies for Jessica Draper at Roachdale Elementary, Heather Connor for Adriene Clampitt at Roachdale Elementary and Angela Kiste for Alexa Williams at Roachdale Elementary.

The next meeting of the North Putnam School Board is set for 7 p.m. Thursday Nov. 21 at the large group instruction room of NPHS.

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